Brother Comments

  • Juston 2022-04-22 07:01:55

    Action shots, cool and...

  • Hubert 2022-04-21 09:03:47

    Russian Film noir, a lone...

  • Garfield 2022-04-21 09:03:47

    ①Everyone can't be a complete wooden barrel. A young man who is in the army is just like a gangster. Once he encounters the underworld, his life achievement index soars. ②The title of the film is "Brothers", which is ironic. Where are there any brothers? It is a pity that the actor died in an accident on the set at a young age. ④The story is good, the narrative method is different from Hollywood, breaking the traditional grand narrative pattern of Soviet and Russian films, the picture quality...

  • Claudie 2022-04-21 09:03:47

    Barabanov's Petersburg is strange. . The music is so...

  • Eryn 2022-04-21 09:03:47

    A kind of Russian, there are gaps and can't...

  • Timmy 2022-04-21 09:03:47

    Surprisingly good, a typical literary crime film, there is a smell of lone killer all over the body, the best is the ending, the little gangster can get rid of the obsessive shadow of such people, choose a way of giving up, give up The person I love, give up the hatred for the betrayal of the brother, and give up the original identity. I have always hoped to see this realm of enlightenment in such a small person. Of course, it's also possible that TMD doesn't care if you're...

  • Rebeca 2022-04-21 09:03:47

    Holly Shit ! The Russian version of The Godfather + A Clockwork Orange! ! ! Fucked up. After a bloody struggle, a young man finally replaced his brother's status as a local snake, and the Russian rock interspersed in the middle is very cool and has a sense of...

  • Angie 2022-04-21 09:03:47

    He came, he killed, he...

  • Adalberto 2022-04-21 09:03:47

    The first film of the film class. English subtitles can't be...

  • Pietro 2022-04-21 09:03:47

    Russian society is far from being so dark, and the left and right are...

Extended Reading

Brother quotes

  • Danila: You're a good man, German.

  • Danila: Soon your entire America's going to bite it!


Director: Aleksey Balabanov

Language: Russian,English,French Release date: July 8, 1998

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