Broadway Danny Rose Comments

  • Alexys 2022-03-14 14:12:26

    It's much more serious than other films, with a sense of critical realism, and finally tells you to believe in life. If life deceives you, it is only temporary. The final ending is similar to...

  • Hans 2022-01-11 08:02:55

    Warm and bitter to make small and...

  • Nyasia 2022-01-11 08:02:55

    A rare tenderness, the sad and sad Woody Allen originally told stories about forgiveness, and there was even an in-car scene of the same paragraph in "In the Mood for Love". I can’t believe that this was written about maintaining an upper-class identity, murdering a loved one, and pushing it to Woody Allen of fate, at that time he really believed in love and humanity. (It turns out that Mirafaro can speak without...

  • Percival 2022-01-11 08:02:55

    It is rare for Woody Allen to create a character who is very sincere in addition to being noisy. Mia Farrow wears sunglasses almost all the way, so it is difficult for the audience to judge her emotional transition, which is also the most mysterious and unpredictable part of the...

  • Duncan 2022-01-11 08:02:55

    Wonderful, the main character in the main part of the story is a failure, because it is so touching, it would be nice to stay in a moment of regret, but it is a legendary story after...

  • Theo 2022-01-11 08:02:55

    Woody Allen is always very cautious about showing tenderness. He hardly likes any of the characters in his movies, and often satirizes them in his lines and actions. However, because of this, in a context full of sarcasm, the occasional touch of warmth is not only unconventional, but also very warm and touching. That bit of tenderness is like a momentary compromise and reconciliation after a person who is struggling with life gets...

  • Madalyn 2022-01-11 08:02:55

    3.5; Old Woody said that he loves the rain the most, walking alone in the vastness of the rain, bravely catching up in the flying snowflakes, picking up his own life in the failures, no matter how frustrated, there is always someone who suddenly You understand your whole world and your heart and soul. Tell the story of a little character again, the structure is great, everyone provided the "snap" pieced together into an unreal Danny Rose, but eventually became a legend. 3S before going on...

  • Maybelle 2022-01-11 08:02:55

    There are always people or things that will disrupt your life. Embrace them to your heart's...

  • Cary 2022-01-11 08:02:55

    One piece after another, the piece introduces a narrative, and the plot is very Coen brothers. Comedy jokes and dramatic transitions are overwhelming. I especially like the two to run away to a warehouse of magnified parade dolls. The atmosphere is full of lights and lights. I also directly contacted Farrow’s epiphany when he saw the parade dolls. Although the ending is clichéd, it is really interesting to have a long shot without dialogue with the lines in the...

  • Adela 2022-01-11 08:02:55

    I didn't recognize Mia Farrow at all, it was too...

Extended Reading

Broadway Danny Rose quotes

  • Danny Rose: [to the husband of a woman who hasn't woken up by Danny Rose's hypnotist act] I promise you, if your wife never wakes up again, I promise you I will take you to any restaurant of your choice.

  • Danny Rose: I think about you in the long run. That's what I'm sayin'. You're - you're the kinda guy that will always make a beautiful dollar in this business. You know what I mean? You're what I call a perennial. You - you get better lookin' as you get older.

    Lou Canova: That's true. When I'm out there singin', I can feel the women mentally undressing me. It's true!

Broadway Danny Rose

Director: Woody Allen

Language: English,Italian,Yiddish Release date: January 27, 1984