Broadway Danny Rose Comments

  • Ashtyn 2022-03-27 09:01:15

    The storytelling format reminds me of the double-faced Melinda and Danny Rose is really one of the kindest characters the old man has ever played. The way of acting is very similar to the long shot at the end of the magician who has been babbling and repeating a few words in the scoop. It's beautiful. It's important to have some laughs, but you've got to suffer a little too, because otherwise you miss the whole point of...

  • Vincent 2022-03-27 09:01:15

    Black and white film. The script is good. But it's too chatty, so I watched it by...

  • Scot 2022-03-27 09:01:15

    The story exudes a touch of sadness, and there is no lack of warmth at the end. The agent Danny Rose should be the kindest character of Woody Allen. Mia Farrow wears big sunglasses from beginning to...

  • Daphney 2022-03-27 09:01:15

    Such people tend to be the object of sarcasm, jokes, and even name a sandwich after him. Just because we only value those shining, successful cases, but often ignore some more valuable...

  • Gregorio 2022-03-27 09:01:15

    The role of Danny Rose is one of the best of the old man, and the partner effect with Mia Farrow is also one of the best. The plot of the Italian farce is too interesting, and the photography is not inferior to...

  • Isom 2022-03-27 09:01:15

    After reading it, I especially want to go to Carnegie Deli to have an enlarged Woody Allen. So...

  • Keith 2022-03-27 09:01:15

    bittersweet - one of the highest levels of...

  • Katlyn 2022-03-27 09:01:15

    What makes Broadway Danny Rose work well is the unsentimental warmth, the wonderfully eccentric characterizations, and a fine balance between pathos and...

  • April 2022-03-27 09:01:15

    Mr. Woody is really like a martyr. He fought heroically until the last moment. Every time I watch Mr. Woody's film, I worry that there will be lively Mr. Woody's music in my sleep at night, and there will be nagging and stumbling. Teacher Woody's classic English with divergent thinking; in New York where it snows at the end, he crosses the foggy crossroads and catches up with her who has left sadly. This scene is really...

  • Theron 2022-03-27 09:01:15

    Rescue sketches, erotic wiggling and escape, and the emotional gaze in the taxi, "one day, we had a adventure". If the ending is Thanksgiving and a group of weird and lonely entertainers eating frozen turkey, it would still be sad, but fortunately I ran into the icy streets of New York in that polka dot shirt and found Mia Farrow who had not gone far....

Extended Reading

Broadway Danny Rose quotes

  • Danny Rose: [to the husband of a woman who hasn't woken up by Danny Rose's hypnotist act] I promise you, if your wife never wakes up again, I promise you I will take you to any restaurant of your choice.

  • Danny Rose: I think about you in the long run. That's what I'm sayin'. You're - you're the kinda guy that will always make a beautiful dollar in this business. You know what I mean? You're what I call a perennial. You - you get better lookin' as you get older.

    Lou Canova: That's true. When I'm out there singin', I can feel the women mentally undressing me. It's true!

Broadway Danny Rose

Director: Woody Allen

Language: English,Italian,Yiddish Release date: January 27, 1984