Brick Comments

  • Darby 2021-12-14 08:01:07

    I saw the trailer of this movie when I didn't know what movie DVD I watched in the last year of high school. Many years later, I actually watched it in class today, and then I fell asleep. ....

  • Aurelia 2021-12-14 08:01:07

    Ryan Johnson grafted Dahill Hammet or Raymond Chandler into the campus youth drama, using the narrative rhythm of an independent film to tell an inherently more traditional detective suspense story. Under the dark green night, the phone booth engulfed by dim street lights, leaning against the carefully calculated "Xueba" 囧瑟夫, all this constitutes the coolest picture in the whole film. In his debut work, Johnson demonstrated his ability to mix and match tradition and...

  • Clotilde 2021-12-14 08:01:07

    It’s a very good movie. Although the actors look very immature and some places are somewhat artificial, but at least tells a great story. Although he has no expression, he successfully portrays a desperately high IQ....

  • Jada 2021-12-14 08:01:07

    I like this movie a lot, and the male lead also plays "The Guardian". . . . . . . . Now they're all big stars,...

  • Neoma 2021-12-14 08:01:07

    Independent movies, plots, analysis, etc., back and forth are a bit entangled. 那个纤瘦略带神经高度紧张的男孩子来回奔走、被胖揍,还有他用尽全力爱着那个戴着蓝色手镯、表情有点神经质的女孩,虽然最后他失去了她,只得到了一个苍白s answer. Is there still such a person...

Extended Reading

Brick quotes

  • Kara: Now, last time I checked, you were giving ultimatums.

    Brendan Frye: It worked. You went to Laura, didn't you? Told her my tale.

    Kara: Part of the plan?

    Brendan Frye: Turned out to be.

    Kara: I feel so cheap and used.

    Brendan Frye: God, I must seem a real cad. Sometimes I just hate myself.

  • Brendan Frye: Uh-huh. And he wants cash on the nail. He's a pot-skulled reef worm with more hop in his head than blood. Why pay for dirt you can't believe?