Brick Comments

  • Junius 2021-12-14 08:01:07

    When I watched it, I always felt that the style was weird, and finally I realized that just a kid’s play was not a crime blockbuster style, but many details were very...

  • Olen 2021-12-14 08:01:07

    I was really annoyed with his style later, but it's quite interesting to watch 囧Serf play off. You are okay, 囧Serf! In addition, the kid in the white plain is a bit interesting, vomiting...

  • Christelle 2021-12-14 08:01:07

    The feeling of watching this film is equivalent to waking up the next day and suddenly coming to a completely unfamiliar place. Nobody or anything has anything to do with you. You are neither involved nor willing to let you participate, so you can only find out the truth. Struggling to understand from the middle of the matter. However, as a director of the Virgo film, the soundtrack and the color tone of the screen and the scheduling of the shots have been very skillful, and the performance of...

  • Carmella 2021-12-14 08:01:07

    Two points are given to JosephGordon-Levitt's acting skills, two points are given to the wisdom and courage of the high school student played by JosephGordon-Levitt, and one point is given to the atmosphere and music of the entire...

  • Ernestina 2021-12-14 08:01:07

    I like this elegant and deadly poster ~ the jury award at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival. I didn’t understand it, so that I didn’t understand who the murderer was in the end... I can go to...

  • Giovani 2021-12-14 08:01:07

    Except for Levitt’s climactic acting and bizarre photography, this is a messy work. Forget it, it’s an independent movie....

  • Athena 2021-12-14 08:01:07

    The film noir is tender and tragic! This is so many times better than the Broome brothers and Looper! So can rian johnson be regarded as the director of the death after his debut? Don't protect...

  • Keith 2021-12-14 08:01:07

    I can only vaguely think it’s good, because 20% of them I don’t understand...this is a local high school student...this...

  • Kurt 2021-12-14 08:01:07

    When I watched [Bloom Brothers], I was thinking about how I felt when I watched [Hunter] a year ago. At that time, I probably didn’t understand this narrative technique. Most of the debut works were bold attempts, and the few were like [ The Broome brothers] the way to make the story more like a...

  • Mohamed 2021-12-14 08:01:07

    It is from the trailer of Focus Features that I noticed this film. It is not dark as imagined. Maybe it is blue. Thank you alien for your comment, which answered my confusion about why I should use such effort to tell an old-fashioned detective...

Extended Reading

Brick quotes

  • Kara: Now, last time I checked, you were giving ultimatums.

    Brendan Frye: It worked. You went to Laura, didn't you? Told her my tale.

    Kara: Part of the plan?

    Brendan Frye: Turned out to be.

    Kara: I feel so cheap and used.

    Brendan Frye: God, I must seem a real cad. Sometimes I just hate myself.

  • Brendan Frye: Uh-huh. And he wants cash on the nail. He's a pot-skulled reef worm with more hop in his head than blood. Why pay for dirt you can't believe?