Brexit Comments

  • Caterina 2022-04-24 07:01:22

    From traditional media strategies to modern big data strategies, we all know that not everyone deserves that vote. The subject matter is a good subject, but a single perspective is too...

  • Anahi 2022-04-23 07:04:02

    The preconceived atmosphere depends entirely on the protagonist to promote the dramatic tension, and Benny once again proves that his acting skills are...

  • Camylle 2022-04-23 07:04:02

    When Rory's character loses this referendum (which is a little weird to say, because it's a referendum, there's really no "lose" party, and by the same token, no "win" party), we are Wasn't it doomed 20 years ago? Maybe. anyway, welcome to the age of digital...

  • Oda 2022-04-23 07:04:02

    Bald curly forehead tattoo, I still like...

  • Alessandra 2022-04-23 07:04:02

    In the first half, the focus was on Dominic personally, and he gradually formed the Brexit team with him as the core. It was his unconventional ideas that led to the success of the referendum. Among them, the information war on the Internet and the advocacy and lobbying of the swing camp were victories. The key to the game, but the pile of guarantees left after the celebration became politicians' empty promises, and Dominic finally realized that it would be meaningless to be in or be out if the...

  • Ona 2022-04-23 07:04:02

    Reflecting events truthfully, we don’t advocate for the winners and criticize the losers, because the result is far from here, and it may not be clear who is right and who is wrong a hundred years from now. It's clear that people are as stupid as they think they know, and see how those who think they know are taken into the ditch. So, democracy, the referendum, will only get more and more chaotic, the referendum, what a terrible...

  • Bailey 2022-04-23 07:04:02

    It's a bit hard to describe, I believe the movie has done a lot of beautification to the male...

  • Andres 2022-04-23 07:04:02

    As always domineering kingdom. Insulting other people's voting rights. All the bald Doctor Who performances are not as bright as that...

  • Allie 2022-04-23 07:04:02

    A little-known political consultant suddenly raised the banner of the Brexit vote. He is full of fighting spirit, throwing aside the old-fashioned Euroscepticism, using "Sun Tzu's Art of War", resorting to new technologies to tap non-existent voters, and public opinion guerrilla warfare blossoms everywhere. He's looking for a well of stress, and suddenly walks out of the voters' homes to listen to the underground, which is romantic, noting that his purpose in participating in this vote may be...

  • Wilfred 2022-04-23 07:04:02

    Too short, the Cummings and Oliver tavern scene was...

Extended Reading

Brexit quotes

  • Dominic Cummings: Let me tell you who we're up against. Who are setting themselves up over the river to destroy us.

    [scene cuts to Vote Remain offices as he continues]

    Dominic Cummings: Lucy Thomas, ex-producer of BBC's Newsnight program, so she'll know how to handle the press. Director of the campaign, Will Straw, son of Jack. Failed his MP race in 2015, typical establishment thinker: "If it didn't work the first time, try it again". You got Ryan Coetzee, director of strategy, he's Nick Clegg's former special advisor.

    Nigel Farage: Labour and Lib-Dem hate each other post-coalition. That won't work!

    Dominic Cummings: Oh, yeah, no, it's a proper left and center-left love-in. You've got the Greens and the Welsh, but none as interesting as these. The one true enemy they both share...

    Matthew Elliott: Tories.

    Dominic Cummings: The Number Ten machine, headed up by, trumpets please

    [blows raspberry]

    Dominic Cummings: Craig Oliver!

    Nigel Farage: Cameron's communication director.

    Dominic Cummings: A position held as we know by a long succession of bastards - Campbell, Coulsen. This one's more out of the limelight, ostensibly in control and composed. He's furiously loyal to his boss and I can tell you that we, uh, well we have a little history.

    [cut back to Vote Remain offices]

    Craig Oliver: Dominic Cummings is basically mental. We had to all but ban him from Number Ten. He's desperate to be seen as this visionary architect of a new world order, but actually, he's just an egotist with a wrecking ball. It does however mean that he's, well, he's unpredictable.

    [cut back to Vote Leave offices]

    Dominic Cummings: I know how to beat Oliver. Conventional wisdom is a disease that the British are peculiarly susceptible to, and he certainly hasn't been inoculated.

  • Dominic Cummings: [scene cuts between the two offices of Vote Leave and Vote Remain as they write out strategy] We also know that the other side are gonna run a campaign the way that campaigns have been run for pretty much the last 70 years. They're gonna fight from the center, and they're gonna make it about jobs and the economy.

    Andrew Cooper: We focus on the economy and jobs. The message: leaving risks both.

    Craig Oliver: Clinton '92. Best campaign ever. "It's the economy, stupid".

    Andrew Cooper: You define your opponent as the riskier option, and though the change candidate might initially poll well, come election day the nerves kick in. Voters revert back to center. Law of political science - if the status quo are ahead before the campaign begins, which we are, they always win on the day. So...

    Douglas Carswell: So, what's our answer?

    Dominic Cummings: Tzu's "The Art of War". If we fight them on home terrain, they will win. So what we need to do is lead them to the ninth battlefield. The deadly ground where no one expects to find themselves. Outcome? *They* perish.

    Victoria Woodcock: Which means?

    Dominic Cummings: You reverse the proposition. We make *them* the risky option. To stay is to risk losing more of the things we cherish - we're asking voters not to reject the status quo, but to return to it, to independence. How much does it cost us each week to be members of the EU?

    Daniel Hannan: In the region of...

    Dominic Cummings: What's our researcher's name?

    Matthew Elliott: Richard.

    Dominic Cummings: Ricardo, will you get me all the figures up for how much it costs to be members of the EU for a week? Largest one wins.

    Matthew Elliott: Make sure it's verifiable!