Brewster's Millions Comments

  • Liam 2022-10-08 01:49:31

    The rhythm is too fast, the beginnings and turns are a bit abrupt, the completion is not enough but the subject matter is interesting, just like "million pounds" satirizing money...

  • Jada 2022-09-29 11:19:15

    It's good and...

  • Crawford 2022-09-23 09:38:42

    Xihong City, from here! That million pounds is the source of the film. In fact, such stories have always been the heart of ordinary people, so commercial film manufacturers will dedicate them to the public! The purpose is, of course,...

  • Danielle 2022-09-10 01:02:53

    The real richest man in Xihong...

  • Doris 2022-08-20 08:23:13

    What is more expensive than campaigning and litigation in the United States? The political satire part Jing Shiheng said that every character arc is complete and not embarrassing. And in the last minute rescue, it was the heroine who saved the hero. The happy twist version is indeed funny, but it basically loses the logic of the movie itself, there is no...

  • Elenor 2022-05-30 19:00:30

    In mid-2016, directors Yan Fei and Peng Damo were writing scripts. People from Universal Pictures knocked on the door suddenly and promoted a 1985 American movie: "Brewster's Million Dollar Fortune." So stop saying that the richest man in Xihong City is a...

  • Hans 2022-05-30 16:22:54

    Brewster is the name of Brewster, not the brewer... The idea of ​​the movie is really good, but it's a pity that the smile is weaker. I look forward to the Shen Teng...

  • Paxton 2022-05-30 16:07:18

    I'm going to... what winemaker, whose surname is Brewster. The male lead the nerve knife, and the female lead Kochi Gao Leng finally found out that it was between a nervous comedy and a romantic romance. The setting of spending 30 million to inherit the family property is amazing, and it’s really a test of performance. The protagonist's use of black actors was very meaningful at the time, especially during the campaign period, the drama was immediately magnified, but I prefer to feel lost after...

  • Louvenia 2022-05-30 14:46:44

    The richest man in tomato is a remake of this. Currently only the BT Heaven 720p version has the speed to download it at the speed you want to see, or you won’t see it in the...

  • Elbert 2022-05-30 11:41:18

    This kind of satirical comedy is to satisfy the public’s various daydreams, and the ending is that kind people are rewarded in the end, so it’s okay to watch. ....

Extended Reading

Brewster's Millions quotes

  • Monty Brewster: Gentlemen, do you think I'm a lowlife?

    Tailor: Oh no, Mr. Brewster. Not with these clothes.

  • Rupert Horn: [speaking to Monty in his recorded will] Brewster? Greetings from the grave! Don't look so surprised. Did you know your great-grandfather was a honky? My old man married twice. One wife, white, produced me. One wife, black, produced your grandmother. Checkered family you might say. I've outlived them all Brewster, except you. They tell me you're my only living relative and I have to say, I'm disappointed. Look at you! what have you made of yourself? A failed baseball pitcher. I believe in being honest, Brewster. No bullshit. I'm stuck with you. But... we're gonna have some fun...

    [starts laughing only to be overtaken by terrible coughing for a moment before calming down]

    Rupert Horn: Let me tell ya a little story, Brewster. When I was seven years old, my daddy caught me smoking a cigar. Locked me in a broom closet for two days and two nights with nothing more than a box of cigars and a book of matches. No food, Brewster. No water, just those god damn cigars. Wouldn't let me out till I finished every last one of them. Taught me one HELL of a lesson! I'm gonna do to you what my daddy did to me. I'm gonna teach you to HATE spending money. I'm gonna make you so sick of spending money that the mere sight of it will make you wanna throw up!


    Rupert Horn: So, here's my proposition: you have thirty days in which to spend thirty million bucks. If you can do it, you get three hundred million!

    Monty Brewster: [more to himself] There's gotta be a catch.

    Rupert Horn: Of course there's a catch! You have to spend the thirty million, but after thirty days you're not allowed to own any assets. No houses, no cars, no jewelry. Nothing but the clothes on your back! Now, you can hire anybody you want, but you have to get value for their services. You can donate five percent to charity and you can gamble another five percent away, but you can't give this money away, and that includes buying the Hope Diamond for some bimbo as a birthday present.

    [pauses for a beat]

    Rupert Horn: oh, I know what you're thinking, you'll buy yourself a dozen Picassos and use them for firewood, right?

    Monty Brewster: [nods his head somewhat, still stunned]

    Rupert Horn: Wrong! You must not destroy what is inherently valuable, that's instant disqualification. Oh, I almost forgot. You're not allowed to tell anybody WHY you have to spend this money.

    Monty Brewster: But why can't I tell my friends?

    Rupert Horn: Because I don't want anybody helping out! Nobody helped me out in that closet with those cigars! I never had any friends. So, Brewster what do you think? You got the balls for it?


    Rupert Horn: I doubt it. That's why I put a special wimp clause in my will. You can have a million dollars right now and forget the whole thing. Or you can go for the big one, Brewster. The three hundred million. But if you fail, you don't get didley!