Breaking Surface Comments

  • Irma 2022-12-02 14:47:40

    If someone sneaks into my house and kills my dog ​​and cat, I probably won't help them! ——The idea from a brain-dead cat...

  • Hollis 2022-11-26 19:02:22

    Conflict is too dramatic, a little...

  • Harmon 2022-11-19 08:45:53

    Emergency hedging is understandable! But dogs are still the...

  • Destany 2022-11-18 06:00:17

    Teaching film. Keep a first aid kit in the car. After borrowing the jack, others must take it back. Check your gear before going into the water. Most importantly, find a smart buddy. 5 meters and 3 minutes to implement. That dog made soy...

  • Bette 2022-11-15 20:10:05

    6.5 What I didn't expect was that the rhythm was not bad. The theme of diving is not too...

  • Theron 2022-10-27 18:15:41

    Although I feel that I may not be able to do better than my sister in such a situation, I still want to complain about my sister's...

  • Brandt 2022-10-23 22:56:24

    The movie starts with a "big mistake", and there are rotten people who stand in the middle of the water and shout "it's not anyone's fault"? You were smashed to pieces by the propeller and then pleaded guilty? After watching the beginning, you know what the hell will happen in the following movie: On the importance of jacks. The most emotional performance in this film: Golden...

  • Colten 2022-10-17 07:25:58

    The rhythm is fairly tight, and the logic is unsatisfactory. ....

  • Roxanne 2022-10-09 09:15:51

    #谷amo# Although there is a bit of a slot, but the heroine who tried her best to save her sister by diving into the deep sea again and again is quite touching. Sure enough, I can see the extreme sports spirit of fighting against...

  • Mabelle 2022-10-07 00:02:52

    Go to your sisters and sisters, love the...