Breaking Away Comments

  • Tyreek 2023-09-29 19:40:51

    This movie is really good! Grow, go cutters! Dennis Quaid used to be so...

  • Eli 2023-09-06 13:46:41

    Who's youth is not lost, which child is not afraid to grow up. But we finally need to grow up, let us wave our hands, no longer fear in our hearts, smile and bid farewell to our youth, bid farewell to...

  • Ulises 2023-08-08 17:57:56

    The second-hand young people are more happy, and they are the same everywhere. The only impressive thing is that the green pools in the quarry are like relics left by prehistoric...

  • Margarete 2023-08-02 19:22:00

    A very typical film that is getting better, it can also be said to be the leader of the same youth theme. There are still some differences between this film and the traditional inspirational film I imagined. The rhythm of the film is very smooth and comfortable. There is no single story about how the protagonist struggles and struggles, but presents the state of youth and the problems encountered by the protagonists. In front of the big screen, through the gradual deepening of the story, the...

  • Green 2023-07-18 02:45:59

    I watched two literary and artistic dramas by Peter Yates this month and found that they are no less than his action movies. The film deeply conveys the growth process of young people, the generation gap between father and son, and the gap between college students and residents. The latter satirizes the society's disagreement due to the background of the opportunity, and the whole film uses the protagonist's frustration and reshaping of love and ideals to express the painful experience of...

  • Jana 2023-07-01 14:28:54

    From the spur lines of graduation confusion, love ignorance, family rebellion, etc., a main line of sports inspiration is gathered, without deliberately accumulating drama conflicts, and indoor dramas are humorous and interesting. Dave is obsessed with the vanity of European countries, singing love songs with her tongue rolling downstairs (parallel to home), competing with container trucks, and the cuteness of his father and the frequent embarrassment of his partners. Although the film was...

  • Zion 2023-06-26 02:04:18

    The frustration and remodeling of love and ideals expresses the theme of what is growth. The teenagers completed the transformation of their lives in a ceremony. When is your transformation in...

  • Gina 2023-06-20 19:50:58

    Youth lacks purpose. I want to go to the south, but I can't go to the north. Life itself lacks purpose. All the so-called XXXX are just far-fetched. Maybe one day you suddenly have a clear future goal and direction, then congratulations, you no longer have...

  • Lesly 2023-06-12 23:12:14

    Bicycle inspirational youth growth film, full of youth, and several protagonists have distinct characteristics. The dignity that belongs to cutters cannot be violated. It is a very good film about friendship and...

  • Rickey 2023-05-26 22:08:36

    Yates makes a seemingly simple inspirational story interesting. The young people in the small town are struggling between their dreams and reality, but all the contradictions have not been intensified. The film is always full of American-style life attitude and return. The family's expectations, Italy was hacked quite badly, although the final inspirational ending did not avoid the vulgarity, it did not prevent the audience from giving the audience a feeling of blood boiling. The style of the...

Extended Reading

Breaking Away quotes

  • Mike: You want to tell me who did it?

    Cyril: It was dark... All I can tell your for sure is that they all wore Brut after-shave and reeked of Lavoris.

  • Dave: Moocher, you're Catholic, right?

    Moocher: Yeah.

    Dave: Did you ever go to confession?

    Moocher: Twice.

    Dave: Did it make you feel better?

    Moocher: Once.