Boy Meets Girl Comments

  • Eugenia 2022-11-03 08:52:47

    Karax's childlike innocence and cruel dream raving about the void, love and death are a pair of entangled grudges, and the ultimate beauty is to end the loneliness and hustle and bustle with the silence of death. The dark curtain suddenly rises to mark the consciousness and escape into the mind, the dialogue is embedded in the scenes of the wandering scene, the rhythm of light and shadow locks the thoughts of the mind, the director's author expresses it at the first appearance of the first...

  • Christopher 2022-11-02 23:40:03

    Looks like a prequel to Shimbashi. The inkblot is the lonely story of the plagued youth. . . In the end, I just pulled out the plot to watch the heroine and the heroine sitting in front of the window - the heroine! What a...

  • Jessika 2022-10-31 11:26:13

    Karax is a god! God's work No.1's description of lovelorn is quite in...

  • Axel 2022-10-27 13:04:13

    The confession of the boy to the girl is really...

  • Agustina 2022-10-26 12:34:52

    Although the film has almost no plot, and the rhythm can be watched at 2x speed, I think I can get the pain point of Carax's depression. He must live very painfully, empty and hopeless, looking up to the rest of the universe, just like...

  • Lelah 2022-10-18 19:10:37

    "The moment I was held tightly by love, I recognized you, just like I recognized the person who was destined to fall in love in this life." "Love is as old as human...

  • Sandrine 2022-10-14 18:46:48

    70/100, B-, Karax has his own unique view of love and romance, perhaps projecting himself and showing that kind of emotion about love. The light and shadow shots are all good, but the sudden black cut and the occasional jump cut didn't strike me as unique, but rather a lack of...

  • Marques 2022-10-09 13:11:56

    Fuck, watching a lot of French movies makes me nervous and sleepy. In the face of showing affection, a single dog will commit suicide? Abandoned by the rich and handsome, he will not choose to murder and steal the short and poor...

  • Elias 2022-10-04 20:46:38

    "If a lover is curious, I may be prepared to be scared to death." What a dry and broken image, Calax is the authentic Godard successor, lonely people always have different ways of spending time and expressing...

  • Ross 2022-10-03 07:45:59

    Karax is always right. Whether in color or black and white. Either with or without sound. Strength is always best highlighted. Splash screens and jump cuts cut time into pieces, showing us the different possibilities of the story. However, whether you go left or right, no matter what the words are said at a certain point in time, no matter whether the moment you enter the room is early or late. They all hold together. Knives pierce into the body. Karax is always...

Extended Reading

Boy Meets Girl quotes

  • Alex: I'm going to wind up a loser. Yet I stood a chance. I wanted to be someone outstanding: flyer, traveler, musician... Can't I be reborn?