Boogeyman 2 Comments

  • Chance 2023-07-28 07:25:57

    Hehe, it feels okay. . ....

  • Reginald 2023-06-30 19:56:16

    Surprised old man with...

  • Hollie 2023-06-30 06:27:55

    Maybe it was because I didn't see much of the bridge at that time, but I was really frightened. I was afraid to go to the toilet at night for half a...

  • Alisa 2023-06-12 11:07:34

    Book pick up. . . Well, this is the one in the closet. I have seen it all. In fact, this series is really good. I can directly poke it. Who is not afraid of a dark and airtight space. The fear comes from the...

  • Lillian 2023-05-01 17:05:55

    Nothing fancy at all, just another plasma...

  • Eduardo 2023-04-27 08:17:10

    The front is not bad, Jagsaw, and the boring ending in the...

  • Trycia 2023-04-21 05:20:36

    Bloody and disgusting can still be seen, and the plot is indiscriminate. He also pulled SAW's grandfather over, which was...

  • Crawford 2023-04-15 02:12:03

    High High stimulates me to...

  • Zoe 2023-04-08 15:40:12

    The cockroaches are delivered in the mouth, the worms drill under the skin, the burrows are opened, the belly tube is burst, and the elevator cuts the head with a knife. From the super-space monster in the first episode to a stereotyped teenage slasher film, the blood is spilled quite...

  • Mark 2023-03-26 16:27:42

    A group of young actors performed dull, the only bright spot was the sight of Tobin Bell. It's actually quite funny to have a group of people with various mental illnesses gathered together. The archives part in the back starts to get a little more...

Extended Reading

Boogeyman 2 quotes

  • [last lines]

    Laura Porter: H-Henry, he's still in here, okay? You, you have to listen to me, okay? Henry's still in here! Henry's still in here! You have to find him! He's still here! Henry's still here! Listen to me! Listen to me! Listen to me! Henry's still here!

  • Laura Porter: He's right behind you! He's right behind you. Look! Look!

    Dr. Mitchell Allen: He's not behind me!

    Laura Porter: Yes, he *is!*

    Dr. Mitchell Allen: He doesn't exist!

    Laura Porter: Yes, he *does!* Look!