Bloody Hell Comments

  • Milo 2023-03-07 21:58:27

    Unreasonable, stylized, slightly...

  • Josue 2023-02-28 21:17:53

    Horror comedy, dark humor, anti-kill is the climax, the end is the bright spot, the overall film is still a bit...

  • Alyson 2023-02-18 07:16:25

    I can't understand how confident the cannibal family is, eyeing John Wick, the well-known and nasty version of John Wick who once killed criminals in the United...

  • Ashleigh 2023-02-10 11:11:33

    Is this film worth 7.1 points? ? ? How are they rated? ? ? Am I watching too many gory movies? ? ? There's no freshness at all, and the specific plot can't stand...

  • Michaela 2023-01-25 19:35:51

    It's bloody hell to go to war in Iraq and lose a leg on a trip to...

  • Willa 2023-01-22 00:56:04

    Damn, the expectations are too high, that's all? ? / Some stories are the dark knight, some are the...

  • Trisha 2023-01-19 06:00:34

    The neurotic family is a family, and as an ogre family, the fighting strength is a little bit scum. The male protagonist's appearance and body are very good, I like it so...

  • Stone 2023-01-12 07:11:56

    Clip version. Okay, comedy? Cannibals again. The male protagonist has good...

  • Laurianne 2023-01-07 13:32:56

    Eat people! The male protagonist can be a stand-in for Robert Downey...

  • Clark 2022-12-31 13:59:50

    I like the animation with graffiti on the stills at the end of the film. The character positioning is reversed and it has a strong sense of irony and spoof heroism. The rhythm of the dialogue with myself in the middle is slightly slower. Fortunately, it is cool to fight back and hide at the bottom of the table. This trick is...

Extended Reading

Bloody Hell quotes

  • Rex: [while arguing with himself] Or the most fucked up coincidence in history

    Rex: [to Pati holding his severed leg with it's jagged bone] You want it?

    [as Pati bear hugs him]

    Rex: You Want It?

    [lifts his severed limb up high]

    Rex: EAT IT PATI

    [and rams it down Pati's throat, making the bone burst out of the back of his head]

  • Rex: [arguing with himself] Let me ask you something why Finland? Of all the places in the world why did you choose Finland? Of all the fucking places, why did you have to pick fucking Finland? Fuck... FUCK

    Rex: [to himself] You should've said you're Finished... because they're Fins

Bloody Hell

Director: Alister Grierson

Language: English,Finnish Release date: January 14, 2021