Bloody Hell Comments

  • Chandler 2023-06-30 23:21:57

    I was deceived by the marketing account, and I was forced to give a pass, and it has been 1...

  • Benedict 2023-06-18 19:46:04

    I still like his other name: I'm...

  • Will 2023-06-10 14:25:40

    So funny, hahahahahaha; the heroine...

  • Norval 2023-06-08 02:15:18

    7 points. Haha, this movie has the title of a bad movie, and the actual look and feel is quite good~~ The part of breaking the leg and fighting back is not sloppy, and it is done in one go, which is much more refreshing than the traditional kill and escape. In fact, the main part of the movie is still on the injustice and personality split of the male protagonist in the first half. In the end, the heroine's self-esteem is very...

  • Archibald 2023-06-07 14:33:24

    I find it boring, I don't like...

  • Agustina 2023-05-30 21:59:30

    Fast food movies, delicious but not...

  • Emmitt 2023-05-30 19:58:39

    It's so pretty too! The plot twists and turns! Stressful and exciting! I was too scared to go out for a trip. Hahahahahaha. Did the movie finally set the stage for a...

  • Kaci 2023-05-24 14:32:14

    Low-cost B-level film, average...

  • Liana 2023-05-15 08:34:23

    Basically, the film covers the following content: "Fantastic Guys vs. Happy Cannibals", "Bicycle Stealers", "I Want to Have a Home: A Place Without Family", "Crazy with Broken Legs", "I Know You Need a Family" Cut the rope with a knife but you have to pick it up with your feet, "Manslaughter: One of the Great Bank Robbery Who Wants to Run, Including Myself", "American Dream: Doom is Coming". Limbs are limited, legs are broken to start the game, plus a fanciful teammate of the mouth cannon, the...

  • Erna 2023-05-13 16:35:54

    It's alright, it's not easy to shoot this kind of subject in a new way, and the whole is very happy. It would be nice if the final anti-kill scene could be more complicated and...

Extended Reading

Bloody Hell quotes

  • Rex: [while arguing with himself] Or the most fucked up coincidence in history

    Rex: [to Pati holding his severed leg with it's jagged bone] You want it?

    [as Pati bear hugs him]

    Rex: You Want It?

    [lifts his severed limb up high]

    Rex: EAT IT PATI

    [and rams it down Pati's throat, making the bone burst out of the back of his head]

  • Rex: [arguing with himself] Let me ask you something why Finland? Of all the places in the world why did you choose Finland? Of all the fucking places, why did you have to pick fucking Finland? Fuck... FUCK

    Rex: [to himself] You should've said you're Finished... because they're Fins