Bloodshot Comments

  • Dillon 2022-01-05 08:01:26

    The action is beautifully arranged and the concept is thoroughly executed. I am very puzzled, do people who have no brains and bad reviews never understand the cost and positioning of movies? Not only couldn't see the 45 million direct B-level sci-fi effect, which was far better than a 140 million swagger of 120 frames, but also uttered too many literary dramas. This film can indeed be better, because the original line-up is Matthew Vaughan (producer, "Ace Agent" series) + David Reach/Chad...

  • Ansley 2022-01-05 08:01:26

    The hostess is so good-looking, all 4 points are given to...

  • Uriah 2022-01-05 08:01:26

    Blending several classic movies together, such as Robocop and Frozen...

  • Germaine 2022-01-05 08:01:26

    Just take a look at the visual effects of climax action scenes. I hope that movies of this type will be more conscious in the future, stop telling stories, polish the visual effects, and simply and rudely make the audience cool. Like this movie, it can be regarded as typical. As long as the screenwriter thinks about narrative and pubic hair theory, it makes people want to roll his eyes, but he has a serious...

  • Conrad 2022-01-05 08:01:26

    People who score low may have misunderstandings about the Shuang film. Neither the logic nor the plot is the core of the definition of a Shuang film. The core of Shuangpian is to make a certain audience group excited or even twitch through lens language and special effects-so as long as it is exciting, it is...

  • Concepcion 2022-01-05 08:01:26

    Qualified popcorn SF movie, memory replantation, rebellion of cyborgs. The special effects of the head being blasted and then restored are awesome, and the creativity of the sphere tracker is also good. The mecha fighting in the last paragraph is...

Extended Reading

Bloodshot quotes

  • Dr. Emil Harting: Your nanites are down. All that's left is Ray Garrison!

    Ray Garrison: And that's enough.

  • KT: [to Ray] Well, the military only anonymously donates the remains of soldiers who weren't claimed by family.


    KT: Sorry, sometimes you just gotta rip off the Bandaid, it helps to get through the pain of it quicker.