Blindspotting Comments

  • Electa 2022-11-12 18:08:35

    Maybe the rap in it has a special meaning, but I really don't like it. When the plot is going on, a large segment of rap suddenly comes, just like the singing and dancing of Indian movies, inserted inexplicably. Also, the first half of the episode made people sleepy, but the second half stopped abruptly when he was about to clarify the theme. The nigger seriously reflects, that is, he was really used by Miles. I wonder if he has made him recognize this cheap...

  • Coralie 2022-11-12 11:31:14

    The film achieves an in-depth interpretation of the color, political and cultural origins of race. Skin color ancestry is actually a marker of racial ancestry, but political ancestry is actually higher than racial ancestry, such as Stockholm Syndrome (you know), and cultural ancestry identification is a higher level of identity. Therefore, white people can be the inheritors of black political blood, such as Hollywood white left; and some victims of political persecution are most likely to...

  • Alexandrine 2022-11-07 15:30:20

    Cultural differences, the form of expression is a bit...

  • Matt 2022-10-30 11:21:41

    The raca&class theme, which was originally heavy, was displayed in a very "light" way. In several scenes, the audience clapped and laughed. The addition of hip-hop elements is not abrupt at all, and freestyle turned out to be a dark line//The cast are all familiar faces around Lin Manwei. The director said that the script Daveed and Rafael had changed and rewritten for seven years. What kind of...

  • Amy 2022-10-29 14:02:12

    The inspiration for the play is generally taken from "Angry Youth", and the cultural background and social issues have been changed, including what petty bourgeoisie party to go to, and the sudden encounter at the end. These large structural bones are directly used, and the ending is down. I changed it to my own, because that kind of reversal ending has already been played by "Angry Youth" and "Beasts and Good People", so it doesn't matter if you play it again, and I'm afraid people will say...

  • Darby 2022-10-17 20:04:10

    It can be called the "Three Golden Flowers" of the 2018 Black Films along with "BlacKkKlansman" and "Sorry to Bother...

  • Calista 2022-10-05 10:50:28

    The film achieves an in-depth interpretation of the color, political and cultural origins of race. Skin color ancestry is actually a marker of racial ancestry, but political ancestry is actually higher than racial ancestry, such as Stockholm Syndrome (you know), and cultural ancestry identification is a higher level of identity. Therefore, white people can be the inheritors of black political blood, such as Hollywood white left; and some victims of political persecution are most likely to...

  • Nannie 2022-09-21 00:40:15

    Combined with Oakland's history, it's easier to understand the protagonist's mood... But when it comes to racial discrimination conflicts, it's not as profound as...

  • Roderick 2022-09-04 23:22:53

    There is such a magical power when rap smashes into traditional dialogue, and the final monologue is so explosive that it brings new possibilities to racial films. Daveed Diggs is a gem. The most surprising market screening in Cannes this...

  • Cleve 2022-09-04 22:35:46

    Brilliant! What a surprise! The script is fantastic! Originally I really disliked movies about racism because they were always too aggressive and self-pity, but this movie made me feel that fear in a comedy way. Hip-hop culture is probably in the bones of Diggs, all the jokes and rap are very natural, the last rap is too exciting! This fucking is a real hip-hop...

Extended Reading

Blindspotting quotes

  • Collin: You monsters got me feeling like a monster in my own town!

  • Collin: Do me a favor. I got three days left on this probation. When you got that gun on you, just don't tell me about it. Plausible deniability.

    Miles: [lifts up gun] Oh, do you mean *this* gun?