BlacKkKlansman Comments

  • Damaris 2022-04-22 07:01:07

    7.5 is too ironic, this film is not only disgusting for white people, black people are also disgusting, and it talks about racial equality like a blind spot, but the affirmative movement of the last century told from the perspective of the police has a bigger pattern and a more complicated story. , but it is not impressive, and it is far worse than the blind spot to talk about one's inner views as ordinary civilians. It is just a hasty talk, but it does not dig too much into the hearts of the...

  • Josue 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    68/100 Spike Lee's moderate political views are undoubtedly revealed. He is a radical who rejects resorting to violence, prefers a cooperative model, and looks forward to solving problems from within the system. But in the end, it's hard for me not to ask a question, is it really necessary for the black male protagonist to exist in this...

  • Randy 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    I can basically guess what Spike Lee will shoot, but this time the setting is a bit interesting, I think of Inglourious Basterds, but the drama and conflicting feelings are not pushed in place. On the contrary, this time, the police were not portrayed as stereotypes. A black power Nigge director has also grown up. The boss of kkk turned out to be the male protagonist of the show in the 1970s... It is not easy for his appearance, body and acting skills to remain unchanged for so many years. The...

  • Ewald 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    Adam Driver perfect...

  • Alex 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    It makes me feel a little uncomfortable, because the political color is too strong. For a non-political audience like me, it's like being forcibly put on a scaffold, forcing you to agree with something in the role of audiovisual editing. However, this film tells a rather playful and legendary story, and it fails to arouse my synaesthesia on the level of the common...

  • Derek 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    writer of sensational...

  • Karlie 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    The elements of comedy and business are well done. Patrice is so beautiful. The most amazing thing is the sentence "Fortunately, people like David Duke will not be elected president." In contrast to the current United States, sigh. I don't understand how the film of Chalottesville was political propaganda at the end, and the message is even more angered by the director. Why does history go backwards... The dialogue between black and jew is also...

  • Ahmad 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    I don't even know what Griffith's film can't be criticized, and there is no need for people to criticize it now. He was eliminated by the market and film development first. I can see Spike Lee's skills and stance, but he did manage to express his anger in a comic frame story, and it's more obvious that it's a personal stance to deny this. In other words, he should make a good movie, there is no future for him to be a Knicks...

  • Jany 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    It's hard to imagine that Spike is in his 60s, and it feels like "Heads Up" hasn't passed long. I really like this stubborn temperament, especially the part that teaches Driver the black accent "huh" is going to die of...

  • Chase 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    Three and a half. The most awesome thing about this film is its satire on white supremacy, and at the end of the film, the expansion film is used to pull back the present moment and be alert to the practical significance of the revival of racism. The KKK gathered to watch "Birth of a Nation" and used the film's first parallel montage to satirize director Griffith's racism at its peak. But there are also many problems. The film does not highlight the role of the male protagonist, especially...

Extended Reading

BlacKkKlansman quotes

  • Kwame Ture: Is beauty defined as someone with a narrow nose? Thin lips? White skin? Hell no! Cause you ain't got none of that. Our lips are thick. Our noses broad. Our hair is nappy! We are black and we are beautiful!

  • Kwame Ture: You all dig Tarzan? Tarzan! I'm gonna be honest, when I was a boy, I used to go to the Saturday matinees watch Tarzan all the time. And white Tarzan used to beat up the black natives. And I would sit there yelling, "Kill the beasts. Kill the savages. Kill 'Em! Kill 'Em! Kill 'Em! Kill 'Em!" But, what I was saying, was, "Kill Me!" It was as if a young Jewish boy saw Nazis taking Jews off to Concentration Camps and cheered them on. Today, I want those Chiefs to beat the Hell out of Tarzan and send his Lilly white ass back to the caves of Europe!