Black Narcissus Comments

  • Johnnie 2022-10-26 11:59:34

    The picture is too delicate The feeling of oil painting is very strong and solemn, but the colors are mixed with mysticism, which corresponds to the theme of the story: religious discipline and inner lust and...

  • Velda 2022-10-15 18:57:46

    The set is absolutely beautiful and so are the actors. The whole film is full of complex emotions of admiration and contempt for human nature and oriental style, indulging and...

  • Pascale 2022-06-20 22:43:46

    9 Desires are in the heart, and extreme repression will lead to extreme rebound. In Powell's film of religious collapse, devoting to religion is nothing but escapism and suppression. Not only men, but even the beauty that fills the film will become an incentive. The film also replaces the best of both Hollywood and Europe, using stream-of-consciousness to shape characters in a fluid narrative. The disadvantage lies in the ignorance and misuse of Asian culture, but it can also be directly...

  • Kaela 2022-06-20 19:28:06

    【Great Bright Britain Masters Exhibition】1. The charming Powell/Pressberg masterpieces are enough to prove that the classical theme, narrative and audio-visual language are still timeless. 2. Symbolic and expressive use of color: the contrast of red (passion, lust and death) and black and white (discipline and abstinence), the horrifying enchanted nun in red with red lips and eyes, plus the blue ballroom . 3. The film constructs multiple sets of binomial oppositions in form and content:...

  • Sydnie 2022-06-20 19:13:54

    "I already like this place, let me get out of this place." The nun who likes to grow crops into flowers. Why do you suppress your own nature so much? Do it if you...

  • Jerald 2022-06-20 19:05:41

    3.5; The pure blue light of the snow-capped mountains in the first half and the rosy blood in the second half are exactly the contrast of the nuns' sprouting and swaying postures. The mirror images of restraint and wildness alternately completed the Western religion in the East in the monastery. Aphasia before the spectacle. Not without curiosity, not without exaggeration, the rush and provocation of lust, after entering this no-man's land, "the world is crowded in", the forgotten past is...

  • Sylvester 2022-06-20 18:34:20

    The little nun is thirty-eight years old, and Zheng Sichun was sent to Tianya by my mother. I was a first-time married mother, not a teacher...

Extended Reading

Black Narcissus quotes

  • Sister Clodagh: We all need discipline. You said yourself they're like children. Without discipline we should all behave like children.

    Mr. Dean: Oh. Don't you like children, Sister?

  • The Old General: Do you see that crate? Sausages! They will eat sausages. Europeans eat sausages wherever they go.