Betaal Comments

  • Vita 2023-09-18 14:41:09

    After watching the spoiler of "The Sheriff Said the Movie", here is the link: The unscrupulous businessman broke the seal of the zombie army in a certain mountain due to construction. The zombie army fought fiercely with the army. The leader of the zombie army directly possessed someone in the army. The army paid a heavy sacrifice and would eventually lose all the army. wipe...

  • Letitia 2023-09-03 19:18:44

    The story is too sloppy. How well does it combine with the native Indian style? It's far worse than losing North Korea. 8542 Girls who don't dance bad...

  • Tatyana 2023-08-20 23:33:56

    Political thrillers can't get through, can...

  • Kelli 2023-07-04 11:35:40

    The finale of "Ghoul": The Indian Special Forces were destroyed, and the Ghost Fleet is about to return to the subcontinent Five people fled for their lives in the forest, they counted one by one from the front to the back, and suddenly there was a sound behind them. The voice of the sixth person Indian Special Forces VS 100 years ago British zombie soldiers, naked crush...

  • 2023-05-10 10:06:50

    Interesting, Indians fight against British colonial...

  • Fredrick 2023-05-04 06:44:27

    Really good, the ending is...

  • Hattie 2023-05-02 16:01:55

    Indian women are more reliable than...

  • Burdette 2023-01-22 10:35:54

    Netflix is ​​the real No. 1 big data film and television...

  • Carli 2023-01-12 01:56:52

    It's rotten like a piece of shit, I gave up on one episode, I feel like something that can be told in ten minutes is just grinded out in one...

  • Dora 2022-12-03 03:56:28

    The result of Netflix's investment in the group is to raise the audio-visual level of movies in various countries to the pass line, but the fate of not finding good actors, directors and screenwriters is still the same... It seems that there is still a second season, and the whole sun never sets. If so, I am looking forward to the Indian version of...