Beneath the Planet of the Apes Comments

  • Janiya 2022-04-26 06:01:02

    There are many unexpected, the current status of the film is really not proportional to its quality. The guard of the temple, I think Raiders of the Raiders have a...

  • Jaren 2022-04-26 06:01:02

    D / Compared with the first one, it's a lot thinner, and the overall structure is a bit out of balance, but it doesn't feel bad at all. Maybe it's still taking advantage of the...

  • Nola 2022-04-26 06:01:02

    The second part that was so miserable that I couldn't breathe. There are a lot of shocking places, and I feel that compared with novels, the visual suppression of the atmosphere reduces the language, which leads to too many vacancies in the narrative and not full. The disaster scene is fake but very classical, slow and shocking....

  • Hilda 2022-04-26 06:01:02

    [09.12.15] Without the support of the original work, it completely fell into a bad film. Except for the limited curiosity, this film has almost no viewability. Human civilization is gone. The nuclear bombs two thousand years ago are still preserved. Human beings are powerful enough to communicate and control the protagonist and others with their thoughts, and they have the technology to launch nuclear bombs, but they can only shrink back and let the apes spread on the earth. The protagonist...

  • Courtney 2022-04-26 06:01:02

    When the apes are also full of the militaristic atmosphere of human society, then the tragedy of the destruction of the earth will be...

Extended Reading

Beneath the Planet of the Apes quotes

  • John Brent: When may we hope to be set free?

    Caspay: You may hope whenever you please, Mr. Brent.

  • Taylor: [as Nova slowly dies, gunned down by a gorilla] Well, that tears it. Maybe we should just let the world blow up. The gorillas, every damned... what it comes to.

    John Brent: [Intense, full of fury] Taylor, come on. Come on!

    Taylor: Yeah.