Beneath the Planet of the Apes Comments

  • Dolores 2023-08-02 11:11:45

    It is a metaphor for the aggressive confrontation of militarism and the love and peace of humanism. Lost civilizations, sunken cities, and future human beings with a false face, using nuclear bombs as their beliefs and killing people with swords with their minds is the greatest irony of what they call peace. In the Cold War pattern triggered by racial confrontation, no one will be the winner. The logic and plot expression in the second half is really...

  • Sammy 2023-07-20 18:28:19

    Ambition is the soil that nourishes war. Unrestrained force can create irrational turmoil. The boundaries of the universe cannot be measured, and human beings who try to make a difference are mediocre ants that are not worth mentioning, and they are also humble beings who are not worthy of reproduction. Humanity's only weapon is fantasy. Using noise transmission and visual awe, create fear into the brain and punish all those who disobey. Those who have the upper hand with eloquence, regard the...

  • Lucie 2023-07-18 13:34:06

    It is ironic to think of the atomic bomb as God, as a belief. That's the only thing that's interesting about this film....

  • Marilie 2023-07-17 23:13:47

    Under the apes, nuclear bombing teaches. I have performed a super-expansion of the world view, but I feel that the atmosphere of the inverted drama that feels like the original fable is quite hurt. For example, most people feel that the CUBE one or two turns, but I still like the latter's sequel. In fact, when Superman appeared, I thought it would be quite interesting to develop into a reality show world view like Truman's...

  • Dayton 2023-07-16 13:32:51

    The overall framework is pretty good; it's just that the visual effects of that era are too far from now; the ending is quite...

  • Grady 2023-07-14 01:42:47

    rotten! The embarrassment of the show! day and fan...

  • Chelsea 2023-07-01 01:34:58

    The film tells the story of a spacecraft searching for Tyler and crashed on a planet ruled by apes. Astronauts Brent and Tyler on the spacecraft found an underground city inhabited by mutant humans....

  • Emerson 2023-06-24 16:37:48

    It's a bit worse than the first one, but it shows that it was born to a mother billions of years...

  • Brooke 2023-06-12 06:09:54

    I thought it was not as good as the first one, but I really didn't expect it to be so bad. The plot was really blunt, because the male protagonist of the first part didn't want to be the protagonist, and a male protagonist appeared abruptly and inexplicably. This setting is already quite unreasonable. , and then he was the first male protagonist of the Shanzhai movie. He was blond and blue-eyed and didn't have much personality, and then he appeared as an underground man. This can be said to run...

  • Hope 2023-06-01 16:52:22

    One star for panavision and makeup...

Extended Reading

Beneath the Planet of the Apes quotes

  • John Brent: When may we hope to be set free?

    Caspay: You may hope whenever you please, Mr. Brent.

  • Taylor: [as Nova slowly dies, gunned down by a gorilla] Well, that tears it. Maybe we should just let the world blow up. The gorillas, every damned... what it comes to.

    John Brent: [Intense, full of fury] Taylor, come on. Come on!

    Taylor: Yeah.