Being There Comments

  • Emile 2022-03-27 09:01:10

    Stupid and stupid type, serious and...

  • Immanuel 2022-03-27 09:01:10

    This kind of teasing and ridicule is not clever at all, at least it didn't impress me. If you don't want to make it completely absurd, don't take everyone for a...

  • Kayleigh 2022-03-27 09:01:10

    About true peace. Only by being ignorant of world affairs and human feelings can one achieve true detachment. The nature of society is a quagmire. Life is a state of mind. Shirley MacLaine is a bit flamboyant, Peter Sellers is really good. Last shot and background music....

  • Berneice 2022-03-27 09:01:10

    I only came to watch this after watching Geoffrey Rush's movie.... Satire, ok, it looks a bit ordinary now, the setting of the contrast between the two levels of "politicians and stupid people" is too simple...

  • Bartholome 2022-03-27 09:01:10

    tom Shirley...

  • Osbaldo 2022-03-27 09:01:10

    Incomprehensible to understandable, language is more intellectual, socially armed to the teeth, alien like Chauncey, in the conspiracy theorists serious "his background has become a mystery", I really want to be a brain-damaged version Tsby, a kind of urban fairy tale. Once you, now he, easy to observe, and...

  • Ross 2022-03-27 09:01:10

    Looking at things from a different angle often leads to new conclusions....

  • Salma 2022-03-27 09:01:10

    Tell the truth, be without prejudice, be the king's clown and embrace every...

  • Karlie 2022-03-26 09:01:07

    misanthropic sarcasm non the...

  • Carmel 2022-03-26 09:01:07

    He's just a real gardener who takes care of the garden his whole life, but they think he's an amazing, inscrutable, big man. Narratives and ironies are pretty calm and high-level humor. Reality and magic...

Extended Reading

Being There quotes

  • [Thomas and Johanna are watching Chance's interview on TV]

    Thomas Franklin: It's that gardener.

    Johanna, girl with Franklin: Yes, Chauncey Gardiner.

    Thomas Franklin: No, he's a real gardener.

    Johanna, girl with Franklin: He does talk like one. I think he's brilliant.

  • [upon walking out of an elevator]

    Chance the Gardener: That was a very small room.

Being There

Director: Hal Ashby

Language: English,Russian,Italian Release date: February 8, 1980