Being There Comments

  • Mittie 2022-04-23 07:02:34

    Very interesting story, very well performed. A gardener who has never experienced society, a middle-aged man who is naive and stupid and only loves watching TV, has become a man in the United States by accident. In one situation, the boss's friend, his simplest words are interpreted by everyone, his identity is investigated by everyone, and his winter to spring is considered a political philosophy....

  • Eleanora 2022-04-23 07:02:34

    Life is a state of...

  • Rickey 2022-04-23 07:02:34

    . . Anyway, I didn't think it was that good. . He didn't know what he meant by what he said, but his reaction was so decent. . How a person who likes watching TV but can't understand what it means is only body language to say that he likes watching. . . Is this a satire on TV or a satire on high society. ....

  • Idella 2022-04-23 07:02:34

    It looks like a successful learning inspirational drama for stupid people, but it is actually a rather sharp political satire. Some paragraphs are really exciting, I am afraid that the truth will be exposed, but it will not, because the real stupidity It's not ignorance, it's that people who think they're stupid are smart, especially when this opinion comes from a political leader, groupthink follows suit, and the irony is that even people who know the truth start to think about themselves....

  • Athena 2022-04-23 07:02:34

    Quietly ironic, with an interesting ending, an amazing...

  • Jasper 2022-04-23 07:02:34

    After reading it is a minister or a prime minister, and then looking at the political satire here, I only feel that it is naive and unbelievable, and it is all supported by Peter Sellers' acting skills. Like Caspar's bad boy Bobby, Peter Sellers' role is a mirror of the rich and politicians, reflecting the gentleman's cultivation and incompetence of the rich. Anyone who relies on the mirror to strengthen the positive image of the rich will not feel it. very fake? It's a waste of Peter Sellers'...

  • Howell 2022-04-23 07:02:34

    Great disappointment, the story is completely untenable, and it is not funny at all. As a comedy, the rhythm is too slow to be weird. The viewing process is about two hours on the blackboard with a fingernail. Looking for a five-star friend to...

  • Buddy 2022-04-23 07:02:34

    The more serious, traditional, and square scheduling, the more ironic the shots and the composition, the more ironic the feeling will be. It can only be said that it has been ironic to the extreme. Chance can finally stand on the water and it makes...

  • Andres 2022-04-22 07:01:32

    The posthumous work of the comedian Peter Sellers, the tepid film rhythm is the most test of performance skills. Peter Sellers performed an absurd comedy heartily with his acting skills without the slightest exaggeration and no pretence at all. Of course, the biggest highlight is the director's satire on the politics at that time. Business tycoons and even the president of the country have to rely on a person with intellectual disability who only watches TV and isolates himself from the world....

  • Precious 2022-04-22 07:01:32

    A gardener who has never left the garden since he was a child who has never had any identity registration, knows nothing about the world, only knows things about the season and the garden, but is considered by most people to be a mysterious master. At the funeral of the last Financial Street leader, when the political giants were carrying the coffin, they said that those who support the current president in the next election are fools, indicating that the gardener Chauncey Gasil will become the...

Extended Reading

Being There quotes

  • [Thomas and Johanna are watching Chance's interview on TV]

    Thomas Franklin: It's that gardener.

    Johanna, girl with Franklin: Yes, Chauncey Gardiner.

    Thomas Franklin: No, he's a real gardener.

    Johanna, girl with Franklin: He does talk like one. I think he's brilliant.

  • [upon walking out of an elevator]

    Chance the Gardener: That was a very small room.