Beanpole Comments

  • Melba 2022-03-16 09:01:07

    It's a bit uncontrollable, but the characterization is very successful. "It" was born in the war and died in the depression after the war; "it" brings phantom pain like childbirth, and lingering like a scar; Abandon the cover shoe. "It" is a baby, a trauma of war, and a twisted hope. The performance adds extra points, the green skirt spinning is too beautiful and too...

  • Kaia 2022-03-16 09:01:07

    Great audiovisual! The inherent literary nature of the script is profound and complicated. After the war, there is no new world. There is no victorious person. Everyone is defeated. To live with a hideous heart, some choose to die, some choose to be numb, some choose to suppress, and some choose to rely on others, which is incomprehensible. Obsession. The director does have an ambition to go to the future masters. Such a young man has very strong control. It is precisely because of this super...

  • Sigurd 2022-03-15 09:01:08

    The heroine is tall and strangely still twitching? It already has its own sense of magic. The post-war city is like a spiritual ruin, and everyone is looking for a way to escape. Some soldiers with amputees happily imitated the eagle, and some soldiers with paralysis begged everyone to help him end his life. The rich son is like a street gangster, who meets true love but cannot be accepted by his parents. Of course, the two heroines who are most entangled are still eager to usher in a newborn...

  • Bailee 2022-03-15 09:01:08

    Sooner or later, you will get Palme...

  • Nikita 2022-03-14 14:12:28

    The portrayal of a new female relationship that relies on the "Russian Mother" in the great history of Russian literature-but not Tonya or Lara-is really moving. The two heroines interpret the "Barren Na "Tasha Dance", looking for a Tolstoy-style Christ's love in each other. In the Soviet wasteland, the old Russian mother has died. Despite the shadow of wartime, the new Russian mother is still struggling to be...

  • Ryder 2022-01-21 08:01:37

    80/100, in the slow pace of the film, always emphasizes red and green, blending and separation, Iya and Martha; it is life and death, beauty and trauma. The image is really beautiful, the beauty has a sense of despair, and the full sound design makes the atmosphere even more...

Extended Reading

Beanpole quotes

  • Nikolay Ivanovich: Where would he have seen a dog? They've all been eaten.


Director: Kantemir Balagov

Language: Russian Release date: January 29, 2020