Beanpole Comments

  • Josue 2022-03-20 09:02:44

    It tells the story of "Russian Year Zero" around the bond between two women. The trauma after the war reappeared in the city, the hearts of the people, and the coupling between people, clearly or cryptically, showing rich and complex thinking. The two protagonists each have a good performance that can be called the eye of the play, "Can I wear it for a circle?" The best, the collective trauma of the society rises with the skirt; "Can we do it again", hidden deep His personal emotional pain...

  • Earl 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    The youth version of "Fairy Girl" and "Xiao 11" are in the show, and the dual heroine perspective inherits the temperament of the same unit "Invisible Woman", but this movie is even more impressive in the atmosphere and layout! The trauma of war, pale hair color, no longer "live" in the body, death, sickness, oppression, class gap... constitute a huge sadness, only this unique reproductive relationship makes the two in extreme times There is a trace of tenderness in the game. If it can be...

  • Brittany 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    The QY-280 subtitle group of Qiyu Movies, I read the lines several times during the translation process, and found a lot of key information. A line that appears anywhere will bring the key character experience of the character. It is actually a very cruel post-war story. The front-line comfort women, the aftermath of war trauma and lesbian relationships are all very serious themes. The screenwriter has reserved a lot of small details. After that, every time a point is thrown, people will be...

  • Denis 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    I am a female soldier and also a woman, but there are no women in war, only life and death, power and humbleness, slogans and hypocrisy...The rich image texture and unexpected love story of surrogacy are all wrapped in the aftermath of the war in the faint haze. , Everyone involved in it can't avoid...

  • Priscilla 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    After the Soviet Union had a terrible victory after World War II, every survivor had scars on his body-shooting PTSD with a sword walking slant forward. In the homophobic Russia, the writers and directors have learned to add homosexual elements in a variety of ways,...

  • Oda 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    4.5. It's really appropriate to watch "Goose Nanfei" just two days ago and then watch this one. At a time when the topic of post-war trauma has long been smashed, Balagov can still start with such a convulsive and incomplete image, and find a new way. The two female lead actors praised their acting...

  • Jensen 2022-03-18 09:01:07

    Ия said to Маша: И я. Me too. At that moment, I felt that this was the meaning of her name. It's not a violet or a female saint, just a reply that can't be more tender. /Аврора...

  • Itzel 2022-03-18 09:01:07

    Green and red, vitality and sentiment, test cruel exploitation, sacrifice, hatred and love under the collapsed sky, nurturing the phantom of hope doomed to death, and the two colors also outline the totem of the huge machine, contrasting the reality of victory and rejuvenation, like an ant-like lingering reality, Guarding each other with lies and sharing the warm currents of self-deception and charity, knowing hopelessness, choking and embracing, painful "mother", tall and thin woman, smiling...

  • Scottie 2022-03-17 09:01:08

    This subject is too heavy, and I am a little breathless to see it. The most impressive thing is that there are many shots taken from a low position in the movie, as well as the capture of subtle sounds. The 27-year-old director dared to shoot such a subject, very bold and very ambitious. Before the opening, someone introduced that the two heroines are just students learning acting, but after watching, we will know that they are already real "actresses." I won't watch it a second time. It's not...

  • Corrine 2022-03-17 09:01:08

    #72nd Cannes# A kind of attention to Fabian + Best Director Award. Cannes’s son Baragov has already made a second feature film, but I still don’t like it... The two stars are all for photography and art. The photography is really good. Comparing with the last "Narrow", it can be seen that Balagov's director style is "dense and colorful" color matching and (low camera) long shots. The title of the film should actually be translated into "bean sprouts",-Iya's girlfriend Masha's job at the front...

Extended Reading

Beanpole quotes

  • Nikolay Ivanovich: Where would he have seen a dog? They've all been eaten.