Beanpole Comments

  • Obie 2022-04-20 09:02:23


  • Jovani 2022-04-20 09:02:23

    Film is really an art with distinctive regional characteristics. It describes the social environment under the grand theme of World War II. China is dilapidated and crude, the United States is a doomsday carnival, Germany is cold and serious, Italy, France and Britain are optimistic, and in the former Soviet Union, it is stubbornness and self-esteem. ; Russia is determined to live up to the reputation of the fighting nation, and has seen many Russian films about World War II, as well as Eastern...

  • Jerrold 2022-04-20 09:02:23

    3.5; Strong color impact, very stylistic in expressing the collision and gushing of emotions, lighting in different tones to distinguish character attributes, the director is very pursuing in audio-visual aspects, but there are differences in the degree of stitching with the text....

  • Ashlynn 2022-04-20 09:02:23

    Inside the shot, the closed and suffering, rigid body, the camera walks through the crowded corridors of yellow-green tones, just like the end, the camera walks on the crowded streets, revealing a specious truth. Similarly, the constant replacement of red and green on the two heroines in "The Tall" is testament to the film's "queer" consciousness: a fluid relationship between attack and accept. In the final scene, the kiss of the two forms an emotional mandala. The camera looks straight into...

  • Camden 2022-04-20 09:02:23

    Lost the action, like "Picnic" and...

  • Jimmie 2022-04-20 09:02:23

    #72ndCannes #A concern for Game 7. The story of a sick girl taking advantage of another sick girl's love to ruin the world. Men in this film are in a low position that is completely useless except for procreation. In terms of refinement and elegance, it is definitely the level that should enter the main competition unit, but the sense of balance is too bad. The first half is relatively procrastinated, and most of the parts are meaningless, which makes it very impatient to watch; the second half...

  • Monroe 2022-04-20 09:02:23

    1. The set, plot, actors, and photography are all in place. It is a film that suits my taste very much. It can be said that it is the best film I have seen so far in Cannes this year. 2. Love is just a fulfillment, you want me All for you, raising children for you, having sex with men for you, begging for a skirt you like, and supporting the scene for you. The kiss is really touching, I like it very...

  • Teagan 2022-04-19 09:02:44

    Year Zero in Russia. If Balagov's first work is closer to his own experience and his hometown, then this one is closer to Sokolov, the spiritual mentor. The two films seem to be completely different, but they lead to the same place. is women. With this sharp weapon, he pierces the social and historical narrative that people are accustomed to. The complexity and tingling contained in it make it hard to believe that a director in 1991 can have such excellent insight. "The Tall Man" is a real...

  • Bridie 2022-04-19 09:02:44

    The world is bleak and bleak, a place of miserable green and sorrowful...

  • Sylvester 2022-04-19 09:02:44

    A well-known victory in history, those who came back alive are ordinary people who are riddled with physical and mental damage It is not suitable for watching when I am very tired or anxious, but I am inexplicably convinced by this artistic conception, which is like "the sound of the pipa stops and speaks too late". You can't fluently talk about what happened to yourself over the years. You can only glimpse the cruel and desperate truth from a few words. Most of the time, you can only watch him...

Extended Reading

Beanpole quotes

  • Nikolay Ivanovich: Where would he have seen a dog? They've all been eaten.