Batman: The Killing Joke Comments

  • Trycia 2021-12-29 08:01:17

    The original plot in the first thirty minutes was really intoxicating, but it was restored in the next forty minutes. The ending is still the same. The cold joke that the clown told Lao Tzu really can’t laugh. The two of them laughed so loudly and weirdly to death. Did you kill the clown? I don't think they are. They are not the two lunatics in the Joker joke, no one can do nothing, Batman can't save the Joker, and the Joker can't make Batman...

  • Santino 2021-12-29 08:01:17

    The plot of the first 30 minutes is severely separated from the theme of the whole movie, and it is not even related, like a story that was forced out of it, and then the clown appeared to bring the movie back to a little level, and flashed back to explain the clown. How to become a clown and slow down the rhythm of the film. It is said that a good R-level picture is also a bland routine operation. The torn orgasm passage is forced to be forced in the last 10 minutes. I have to say that the...

  • Braulio 2021-12-29 08:01:17

    DC animation can no longer learn the inexplicable narrative methods like live-action movies, otherwise animation will have to eat jujube pills! The deadly joke of the original was actually remade into this look? ? ? The past and present of the clown and the big events of Barbara have been completely consumed and become mediocre, so it is better not to...

  • Dee 2021-12-29 08:01:17

    After reading it, the evaluation on the Internet is really not very high. It does not mean that the original work cannot be adapted. It is just that the content of the first half hour of the film is out of touch with the real story behind. It should be to show the two sides of "that line". The story of people, Gordon and the clown in the same situation and different treatments puts Barbara out as an embarrassing introduction, let alone the sex scene. The atmosphere is not as comprehensible as...

  • Jamir 2021-12-29 08:01:17

    The roof is really Reggio. Can you not play freely and make big news? If this continues, I can only praise DC animation for "good dubbing". If the flashback is real, then this reveals how boring the clown is a villain. Everything he did was so easy, anyway, just abandon rationality and constantly break the lower limit. Anyone who says that ugly bats love and kill each other, please black me out, you are really...

  • Violette 2021-12-29 08:01:17

    Hamill and Uncle Kevin for a lifetime! The shadow of ugliness starts with this manga, and watching anime still feels terrible. What the hell did you say in the first half! What the hell do you think the egg is! What the hell is the relationship between the master and Sister Ba! Sister Ba's fan felt fed a bit of shit. The scriptwriter’s bad taste CP view is from high, and there is no need to hurt us like this, okay...

  • Chesley 2021-12-29 08:01:17

    The first half is simply...

  • Easton 2021-12-29 08:01:17

    The first thirty minutes of Barbara and the master are really...a little bit bloody...there are almost two movies behind them...Mr J doesn't make a fuss or turns into a pervert every time he sees this paragraph. Distressed Barbara. Mark Hamill dubbing stick, and Michael Emerson have their own advantages. In the end, the conversation between Master and Joker was a bit abusive...By the way, I also want to sleep Master...

  • Coralie 2021-12-29 08:01:17

    A dog-blood cliche of Batgirl and Batman's field battle was added, which made the topic killing joke a joke, and DC animation completely...

  • Percy 2021-12-29 08:01:17

    And I, in the ditch, can only watch you who escaped the prison step by step and walk down again to meet...

Extended Reading

Batman: The Killing Joke quotes

  • Paris: Batgirl, I'm afraid I didn't get your number. So I'm sending this video to the police to give to you. They've got to be good for something. You may have heard that I've come into some family money. I told you I'm no punk. In fact, I got you a gift. Something special for my special girl. Just go back to where we met. You'll see.

    Batgirl: [the video ends] Cute.

    Batman: It's not cute. It's a trick.

    Batgirl: I know, but it is a little flattering.

    Batman: No, he doesn't know you. He's objectified you. When a criminal gets personal like that, it's bad news. You're off this one.

    Batgirl: What?

    Batman: I don't want you on this case.

    Batgirl: At all? So, he likes me; we can use that.

    Batman: He's not afraid of you. I want him nervous.

    [getting into the Batmobile]

    Batman: The place you met was at that warehouse, right?

    Batgirl: Yeah. Where are you going?

    Batman: Your father and his men are already canvassing the place. I'll let you know what we find.

    Batgirl: Hold on, we're not done.

    [the canopy closes and he speeds away]

    Batgirl: No, wait. Wait!

  • Batgirl: How long was I out?

    Batman: A few minutes. Apparently, I got there right after they left. You should have waited for me.

    Batgirl: They were on their way out. I had to do something.

    Batman: His name is Paris. Paris Franz.

    Batgirl: [choking on her coffee] You're kidding?

    [seeing his look]

    Batgirl: I guess not.

    Batman: Your father gave me his file. He's a nasty combination of narcissist and sociopath. He'll have you smiling right up to the moment he cuts your throat. I haven't had to deal with his type of crazy in a while. I don't want you to, either.

    Batgirl: What are you saying?

    Batman: Don't go near him without me.

    Batgirl: Excuse me?

    Batman: No matter what.

    Batgirl: We're not exactly attached at the hip.

    Batman: We are on this. You want to work with me, you do what I say.

    Batgirl: And that's it? You speak and the words are law?

    Batman: Yes.