Batman: The Killing Joke Comments

  • Sam 2022-03-22 09:02:15

    The first third and the second third are completely irrelevant, so why not just cut it off? This clown is not good at all, completely unworthy of Batman's words sooner or later, either you die or I...

  • Corene 2022-03-22 09:02:15

    What am I seeing? ?...

  • Aric 2022-03-21 09:02:31

    Very disappointed, the first half was very sleepy, the second half of the story of why the clown became a clown was just so-so, and the plot of mutual understanding at the end was too abrupt, which made people very uncomfortable. The kind of dark and tragic, this ending is too...

  • Jasmin 2022-03-21 09:02:31

    DCAU writers still manual...

  • Alex 2022-03-21 09:02:31

    The painting style is terrible, the lines are bloated, the characters are out of shape, and there is no tribute to the [Year One] spirit at all. I am completely sorry for Brian Bolland; this director is not good either, I guess Alan Moore will tweet and curse again this time... The only one The best part is the voice acting, Mark Hamill once again shocked...

  • Carter 2022-03-21 09:02:31

    Such a failed adaptation, I can understand the efforts to lengthen the time, but the first half hour has nothing to do with the latter half of the dime, what the hell is Barbara on the master. The screenwriter's understanding of the original comic seems to be biased, and the last two laugh together should be a crazy laugh instead of a hearty laugh. The only bright spot is that as soon as the master enters Arkham, the style of painting is instantly tough and classical, and the original work is...

  • Juston 2022-03-21 09:02:31

    The animation is a little off, but Mark Hamill's accent is...

  • Clemens 2022-03-21 09:02:31

    The two parts are too...

  • Alessia 2022-03-21 09:02:31

    It's another example of the trailer's high expectations and the big disappointment of the feature film. The rhythm is very poor, and the two stories before and after are basically unrelated. The only bright spot in the whole film is that Batgirl is angry with the master. I have no idea what the meaning of this CP...

  • Shanie 2022-03-21 09:02:31

    The source of the clown is explained, and some of the lines are slightly philosophical, but since there are too many such lines about the clown, they have all become routines. and, what is the significance of the scenes between Batgirl and that Franz? ?...

Extended Reading

Batman: The Killing Joke quotes

  • Paris: Batgirl, I'm afraid I didn't get your number. So I'm sending this video to the police to give to you. They've got to be good for something. You may have heard that I've come into some family money. I told you I'm no punk. In fact, I got you a gift. Something special for my special girl. Just go back to where we met. You'll see.

    Batgirl: [the video ends] Cute.

    Batman: It's not cute. It's a trick.

    Batgirl: I know, but it is a little flattering.

    Batman: No, he doesn't know you. He's objectified you. When a criminal gets personal like that, it's bad news. You're off this one.

    Batgirl: What?

    Batman: I don't want you on this case.

    Batgirl: At all? So, he likes me; we can use that.

    Batman: He's not afraid of you. I want him nervous.

    [getting into the Batmobile]

    Batman: The place you met was at that warehouse, right?

    Batgirl: Yeah. Where are you going?

    Batman: Your father and his men are already canvassing the place. I'll let you know what we find.

    Batgirl: Hold on, we're not done.

    [the canopy closes and he speeds away]

    Batgirl: No, wait. Wait!

  • Batgirl: How long was I out?

    Batman: A few minutes. Apparently, I got there right after they left. You should have waited for me.

    Batgirl: They were on their way out. I had to do something.

    Batman: His name is Paris. Paris Franz.

    Batgirl: [choking on her coffee] You're kidding?

    [seeing his look]

    Batgirl: I guess not.

    Batman: Your father gave me his file. He's a nasty combination of narcissist and sociopath. He'll have you smiling right up to the moment he cuts your throat. I haven't had to deal with his type of crazy in a while. I don't want you to, either.

    Batgirl: What are you saying?

    Batman: Don't go near him without me.

    Batgirl: Excuse me?

    Batman: No matter what.

    Batgirl: We're not exactly attached at the hip.

    Batman: We are on this. You want to work with me, you do what I say.

    Batgirl: And that's it? You speak and the words are law?

    Batman: Yes.