Batman: The Killing Joke Comments

  • Kole 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    All it takes is one bad day, that's how far the world is from where I...

  • Raina 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    I found the feeling of watching Conan when I was a child: a BDO-style fear that is beyond my psychological...

  • Layne 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    I have a question. Most of DC's animations, posters and feature films have different picture quality. How is this cover party tradition...

  • Alexys 2022-03-24 09:02:39

    Looking at the comments, I feel that it destroys the original work. It is indeed very loose in...

  • Aurelio 2022-03-24 09:02:39

    Looking at the comments, I feel that it destroys the original work. It is indeed very loose in...

  • Wilfred 2022-03-24 09:02:39

    It's still too fragmented to think about, I was going crazy when Barbara knocked down Batman for the first half hour. Double-check that this is really a deadly joke, I've read the comics, don't lie to me. Fortunately, the clown appeared, and everything went back to normal. It's not as good as the comics, for sure, the clown's memories in the comics, everything is gray, shrimp, red hood... but it's so bright red. There is absolutely no such thing in the...

  • Allie 2022-03-24 09:02:39

    It's still too fragmented to think about, I was going crazy when Barbara knocked down Batman for the first half hour. Double-check that this is really a deadly joke, I've read the comics, don't lie to me. Fortunately, the clown appeared, and everything went back to normal. It's not as good as the comics, for sure, the clown's memories in the comics, everything is gray, shrimp, red hood... but it's so bright red. There is absolutely no such thing in the...

  • Tate 2022-03-22 09:02:15

    The boring memory routine is a bit different. How did the clown girlfriend die? What happened to the female bat in the...

  • Karlie 2022-03-22 09:02:15

    A little disjointed before and after. It can't compare with the level of the original comics, it's a bit too lively. The director didn't have a big idea and couldn't restore the...

  • Jewell 2022-03-22 09:02:15

    The first half is really...

Extended Reading

Batman: The Killing Joke quotes

  • Paris: Batgirl, I'm afraid I didn't get your number. So I'm sending this video to the police to give to you. They've got to be good for something. You may have heard that I've come into some family money. I told you I'm no punk. In fact, I got you a gift. Something special for my special girl. Just go back to where we met. You'll see.

    Batgirl: [the video ends] Cute.

    Batman: It's not cute. It's a trick.

    Batgirl: I know, but it is a little flattering.

    Batman: No, he doesn't know you. He's objectified you. When a criminal gets personal like that, it's bad news. You're off this one.

    Batgirl: What?

    Batman: I don't want you on this case.

    Batgirl: At all? So, he likes me; we can use that.

    Batman: He's not afraid of you. I want him nervous.

    [getting into the Batmobile]

    Batman: The place you met was at that warehouse, right?

    Batgirl: Yeah. Where are you going?

    Batman: Your father and his men are already canvassing the place. I'll let you know what we find.

    Batgirl: Hold on, we're not done.

    [the canopy closes and he speeds away]

    Batgirl: No, wait. Wait!

  • Batgirl: How long was I out?

    Batman: A few minutes. Apparently, I got there right after they left. You should have waited for me.

    Batgirl: They were on their way out. I had to do something.

    Batman: His name is Paris. Paris Franz.

    Batgirl: [choking on her coffee] You're kidding?

    [seeing his look]

    Batgirl: I guess not.

    Batman: Your father gave me his file. He's a nasty combination of narcissist and sociopath. He'll have you smiling right up to the moment he cuts your throat. I haven't had to deal with his type of crazy in a while. I don't want you to, either.

    Batgirl: What are you saying?

    Batman: Don't go near him without me.

    Batgirl: Excuse me?

    Batman: No matter what.

    Batgirl: We're not exactly attached at the hip.

    Batman: We are on this. You want to work with me, you do what I say.

    Batgirl: And that's it? You speak and the words are law?

    Batman: Yes.