Balkan Spy Comments

  • Angie 2022-12-30 05:56:41

    The former Yugoslavia; politics; super-conscious...

  • Martina 2022-12-28 01:16:49

    A model of film and television history, memorandum (Note: The male protagonist is classified as a "Stalinist" in Yugoslav political terms, and was once the target of Tito's persecution, and cannot be simply understood as conspiring with the Yugoslav Communist...

  • Evan 2022-12-24 05:40:51

    8.0/10. The black humour and political satire are unmatched! Material price hikes, material shortages, bureaucracy, terrorist surveillance, and various social problems are all presented in a playful way. The ending is fatalistic (he used to live like a...

  • Asa 2022-12-18 07:32:06

    b. The struggle of civilians under the system. He lived like a...

  • Raymundo 2022-12-16 20:47:14

    6.1/10 A solid "former Soviet" absurd black comedy that suddenly changes into a thriller-like style towards the end. The reversal of the plot is indeed expected, and some poetic images have not been able to be more effectively integrated into the core narrative parts, such as the singing of the church next door,...

  • Kaelyn 2022-12-16 14:32:46

    Red Guards turned into five...

  • Akeem 2022-12-15 18:39:29

    In 1984, Yugoslavia was still in the period of the republic, and the editor and director just hung up like this, which is too...

  • Tyrel 2022-11-17 04:40:54

    The mentality of an oppressed civilian under a powerful system, the last scene seems to reveal that the protagonist is like a crawling mad dog under the...

  • Maxwell 2022-11-10 10:10:03

    Stalin, like the sun, shines wherever it shines~ The anti-Southern forces in the West will surely...

  • Kaylie 2022-11-08 02:02:36

    The whole process is full of laughter, poignant irony, and all the absurdities under the totalitarian brainwashing rule seem reasonable. The story does not establish bad people, but presents bad people in the form of stupid people, and often in such a brutal process, those who are motivated finally love the ruler in the name of patriotism, suppress people with different ideas, and become. the wicked...

Extended Reading

Balkan Spy quotes

  • Ilija Cvorovic: Fuck the sun that shines on you!

  • Ilija Cvorovic: [shouting into phone] The phone central does make a mistake once, but not a hundred times! Listen, mate, you may have gotten the wrong number, but you got who you were looking for!"