Backdraft Comments

  • Elsie 2022-02-10 08:01:21

    The job of firefighters is too dangerous. It is enough for one person in the family to do it. This is a job that saves lives. In the end, the brotherhood is really moving. Stephen finally passed away, which is a...

  • Alexander 2022-02-10 08:01:21

    Classic, the first time I saw so many charred...

  • Tremaine 2022-02-10 08:01:21

    Two seniors, Russell and De Niro, paired Baldwin’s brother. However, his eyebrows and temperament are too playboy, and he still doesn’t look like a firefighter. The film is a bit long for more than two hours, and the fire scene is quite tight. , But some literary dramas have a rhythm and a critical meaning in them, but they also add a bit of suspense that is not painful. Anyway, the positioning of the film is...

  • Paula 2022-02-10 08:01:21

    In-house movies watched on Yueyang Road back...

  • Shannon 2022-02-10 08:01:21

    I saw the shooting scene in universal studio, it was very...

  • Kurt 2022-02-10 08:01:21

    The script interrupts emotions at all times, and the over-simplistic inferences and processing methods make it impossible for the height of the film to rise. (Such as the key to finding the murderer and the final moral...

  • Kenton 2022-02-10 08:01:21

    The boringness of Long Howard’s film is flat and stable...but the difficulty and straightforwardness of the shooting of the fire scene is more exciting than the wasted actors. It is really a raging fire burning personally. I really like it. Watch the fire breathing and pay tribute to the technicians and...

  • Daphney 2022-02-10 08:01:21

    I watched it in class when I was in college, but I didn't watch it to make up for it~ Compared to the fire-extinguishing scene, I prefer the fire tone part dominated by De...

  • Constantin 2022-02-10 08:01:21

    Sensational good~ "See the light shining from the corner of your eye? That is a sign that the light of the future is...

  • Jaylin 2022-02-10 08:01:21

    that's my brother! damn...

Extended Reading

Backdraft quotes

  • Ronald: I sent away for the copy of Life magazine. The one with your picture on the front. It's a collectible.

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: Who's doing this, Ronald?

    Ronald: Wrong question. Who isn't? It's not a spark because there's not enough damage. He wouldn't have had any fun. It's not an insurance scam because there isn't any profit.

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: Do you know who's doing this?

    Ronald: Yes.

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: Then tell me.

    Ronald: You want to know who? I want to know if this kid really wanted to be just like his dad.

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: I wanted to be him. I wanted to be him more than anything else in the world.

    Ronald: And you loved him?

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: Yeah.

    Ronald: And you watched him dance with the animal. You saw your dad burn.

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: Fuck you Ronald. Who's doing this, huh?

    Ronald: Did it look at you? Did the fire look at you? It did. Whoa. Wow. Our worlds aren't that far apart after all, are they? So, whoever is doing this knows the animal well, doesn't he? He knows him real well, but he won't let him loose. He won't let him have any fun, so he does not love him. Now who doesn't love fire? And is around trychtichlorate all day long?

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: [realizes who it might be] Oh my God!

    Ronald: See... that wasn't such a long trip after all.

  • Donald 'Shadow' Rimgale: [at Ronald's parole hearing] What about the world, Ronald? What would you like to do to the whole world?

    Ronald Bartel: Burn it all.


    Donald 'Shadow' Rimgale: See you next year, Ronald.