Backdraft Comments

  • Amy 2022-03-22 09:01:49

    At first, I thought that it might be someone from the inside, and I also predicted that one of the protagonists would die, but it was still a little sad. I don't know why my brother died in the end, the part where he was stabbed doesn't feel like a fatal injury! If it is said that he stayed in the fire without wearing a mask for too long, then the younger brother stayed just as long! And obviously other firefighters said that it was a chemical fire and remember to wear a mask, but those who...

  • Jarrell 2022-03-21 09:01:56

    Ron Howard is a really versatile guy, he shoots everything in a decent way, and he's a great producer without a doubt. "Tempering" belongs to the mixing genre. It has changed from a firefighting film to a suspense film, and then reunited after being broken. Unfortunately, the suspense part is very rough. It is rare for Hollywood movies to split the main line, and the most successful one is "Psycho". After all, it is always more reliable to talk about one main line in a commercial film than to...

  • Krystal 2022-03-21 09:01:56

    It's for Ron Howard. His works are kind and tasteful. This work from 26 years ago has all the materials it should have... And there is a good point, that is, the interpretation of justice is different from two different From the perspective of the fire chief (justice needs to be done and revenge) and the protagonist's perspective (justice cannot be harmed), there is a similar moral dilemma in Dante's...

  • Pietro 2022-03-21 09:01:56

    After watching part of it, I found that there are impressions behind, but the attraction prompted me to revisit it to the end. However, the sad thing is that the hero who sacrificed was the protagonist's brother, not the little brother who "played a good man". What's even more irritating is that the mercenary, conscience-stricken, and unworthy city councilor was rescued and...

  • Daron 2022-03-21 09:01:56

    The sound and visual effects are very good. The job of a firefighter is dangerous, a hero in a...

  • Joannie 2022-03-21 09:01:56

    WX0622/B051 is very...

  • Shaun 2022-03-16 09:01:04

    The special effects are very real and awesome, the plot is a bit weak, and the suspense riddle is the common guessing set in the 1980s and 1990s. ps, played with Alec last year, played with William this year, Jason Lee, you want to sleep at the rhythm of Baldwin's...

  • Ahmad 2022-03-15 09:01:04

    3 and a half stars, the plot in the middle section is too long, the tempering effect is quite terrifying, the real fire effects are awesome, and the soundtrack is Hans Zimmer. 24/3/2018 Second Brush Blu-ray...

  • Arvilla 2022-03-15 09:01:04

    The special effects are in place, but the film is a bit lengthy, the theme is family, crime and heroism, too much and not concentrated, but it is the best in the fire film. The Ps. Peng brothers last year’s "Birthday Escape" had several clips drawn from it; Lao Luo filled a pot of soy sauce all over the...

  • Trever 2022-03-14 14:12:23

    I know I can’t open the door in the fire...

Extended Reading

Backdraft quotes

  • Ronald: I sent away for the copy of Life magazine. The one with your picture on the front. It's a collectible.

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: Who's doing this, Ronald?

    Ronald: Wrong question. Who isn't? It's not a spark because there's not enough damage. He wouldn't have had any fun. It's not an insurance scam because there isn't any profit.

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: Do you know who's doing this?

    Ronald: Yes.

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: Then tell me.

    Ronald: You want to know who? I want to know if this kid really wanted to be just like his dad.

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: I wanted to be him. I wanted to be him more than anything else in the world.

    Ronald: And you loved him?

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: Yeah.

    Ronald: And you watched him dance with the animal. You saw your dad burn.

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: Fuck you Ronald. Who's doing this, huh?

    Ronald: Did it look at you? Did the fire look at you? It did. Whoa. Wow. Our worlds aren't that far apart after all, are they? So, whoever is doing this knows the animal well, doesn't he? He knows him real well, but he won't let him loose. He won't let him have any fun, so he does not love him. Now who doesn't love fire? And is around trychtichlorate all day long?

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: [realizes who it might be] Oh my God!

    Ronald: See... that wasn't such a long trip after all.

  • Donald 'Shadow' Rimgale: [at Ronald's parole hearing] What about the world, Ronald? What would you like to do to the whole world?

    Ronald Bartel: Burn it all.


    Donald 'Shadow' Rimgale: See you next year, Ronald.


Director: Ron Howard

Language: English Release date: May 24, 1991

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