Backdraft Comments

  • Jettie 2022-04-21 09:02:08

    The second half turned into a case-solving, it really made me stunned how good the first half was. The two-time duel on the stairs and the flame effects are all right...

  • Antonetta 2022-04-21 09:02:08

    In the Hollywood movies of the early 1990s, in fact, after the opening five seconds, you know what to do in the next five minutes. The young son watched his father die in the rescue, and then grew up and took the same path. I think this film is still moving, brothers, family, work, love, this is what everyone experiences every day, how to resolve the difficulties is the hardest thing, and sometimes even sell one's own soul. The two brothers have different personalities, and have different...

  • Gillian 2022-04-21 09:02:08

    More successful career-themed films. The special effects, suspense, plot advancement and emotional rendering are good, firefighters fight against arsonists, and arsonists fight against the entire physique. The overall story is simple, direct and meaningful, and worth...

  • Santino 2022-04-21 09:02:08

    It looked good back then, and the fire scene was brought to...

  • Gabe 2022-04-21 09:02:08

    The design of the flame scene is really impeccable, and the soundtrack of Hans Zimmer is also atmospheric and tragic, but unfortunately it did not capture the great spirit, limited to the family emotion between brothers! But the combined suspense plot is also very...

  • Hailey 2022-04-21 09:02:08

    Definitely a visual blockbuster from the 90s. There is a good beginning. All the main characters are established through the fire, and the characters are very distinct. After that, the story begins to move closer to a suspense film. Tracking down the arsonist was supposed to be a new story angle, but it was taken apart from the two protagonists' brothers, which seemed cumbersome. There is also the line of Robert De Niro seeking help for the imprisoned arsonist. No matter how you look at it, it...

  • Alexys 2022-04-21 09:02:08

    It should be the earliest movie about firefighting. It's a purely commercial film with good quality and it's worth...

  • Willa 2022-04-21 09:02:08

    Not enough fire, not enough sensationalism, mainstream heroism, maybe I watched too many movies that paid tribute to this later, but now I think this is not outstanding...

  • Mervin 2022-04-21 09:02:08

    Rich in content and realistic...

  • Arne 2022-04-21 09:02:08

    I watched the movie channel and combined the detective film with the fire...

Extended Reading

Backdraft quotes

  • Ronald: I sent away for the copy of Life magazine. The one with your picture on the front. It's a collectible.

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: Who's doing this, Ronald?

    Ronald: Wrong question. Who isn't? It's not a spark because there's not enough damage. He wouldn't have had any fun. It's not an insurance scam because there isn't any profit.

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: Do you know who's doing this?

    Ronald: Yes.

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: Then tell me.

    Ronald: You want to know who? I want to know if this kid really wanted to be just like his dad.

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: I wanted to be him. I wanted to be him more than anything else in the world.

    Ronald: And you loved him?

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: Yeah.

    Ronald: And you watched him dance with the animal. You saw your dad burn.

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: Fuck you Ronald. Who's doing this, huh?

    Ronald: Did it look at you? Did the fire look at you? It did. Whoa. Wow. Our worlds aren't that far apart after all, are they? So, whoever is doing this knows the animal well, doesn't he? He knows him real well, but he won't let him loose. He won't let him have any fun, so he does not love him. Now who doesn't love fire? And is around trychtichlorate all day long?

    Firefighter Brian McCaffrey: [realizes who it might be] Oh my God!

    Ronald: See... that wasn't such a long trip after all.

  • Donald 'Shadow' Rimgale: [at Ronald's parole hearing] What about the world, Ronald? What would you like to do to the whole world?

    Ronald Bartel: Burn it all.


    Donald 'Shadow' Rimgale: See you next year, Ronald.