Athlete A Comments

  • Raleigh 2023-03-13 01:43:18

    This documentary does not simply focus on the doctor Nassar, but also points to the bigwigs behind him, such as Penny, who even cover him for money and so-called national honor. Today's professionalism has greatly destroyed the sportsmanship we originally hoped to promote, and this is what we need to worry about more. Finally, I would like to give a thumbs up to Rachel, who was the first to stand up, a woman who combines wisdom, beauty and courage. PS It seems that I saw the news a few days ago...

  • Esmeralda 2023-03-10 04:58:49

    The cover-ups revealed one by one during the investigation are almost exactly the same as those of Catholic priests who sexually abuse children. Maggie looks like Erya, and the scene where she finally comes out of the shadows and continues to play in college is so...

  • Coby 2023-02-27 03:25:09

    9 points. The keywords of each evil environment are "perfectionism/victory (interest) first" "system" "be cruel". The methods are almost the same: selecting weak victims, brainwashing, perpetrators forming alliances/official protection, stigmatization, etc. to attack victims. When a victim like Wushan Yuexue grew up, she was still verbally attacked by the perpetrators of that year, and then the weak woman was powerless to resist. Imagine if the victim was a grown man? It only takes a few...

  • Chase 2023-02-26 12:43:58

    From the perspective of the process, it was a perfect case. The ants finally brought down the elephants, and behind the scenes were countless hard-working sports girls who suffered the most despicable insults and oppression. This year's Tokyo Olympics, the reason why Miles withdrew from the competition, some people say that it was caused by sexual...

  • August 2023-02-18 19:29:59

    The scene of the large melting pot, weeping for the bravery of the...

  • Nils 2023-02-12 06:03:00

    Every time a person with "great evil" appears, there must be a system behind it that allows this evil to exist. Larry Nassar is actually the only person on the national training team who is a little nice to the girls, which is very magical in itself. As for the coach’s inheritance of the former Soviet Union, it is not surprising. The president of the American Gymnastics Association used a job opportunity to bribe the investigating FBI agent and really suppressed the matter, ha ha. The coach was...

  • Eleanora 2023-02-09 21:25:28

    ① If the defense of national honor needs to systematically sacrifice the dignity and health of people (not to mention minors), then this so-called honor has actually not existed from the beginning; ② I always feel that almost all competitive sports are nowadays. They are all worthy of our re-examination and evaluation; ③ What I admire most is that Rachael Denhollander, who planned to go to court as a victim and a lawyer, can face reporters without reservation, bear the overwhelming online...

  • Carolyne 2023-02-03 14:57:20

    Simply talking about sexual assault doctors will focus on the focus and firepower, and talking about the training camp management system will make another film. I really don’t know what it means to insert a Romanian couple in the middle and hack into society....

  • Rebekah 2023-02-02 22:47:35

    It's a documentary with perspective and perspective that gives survivors the opportunity to tell their own stories. Moreover, when discussing why a team doctor can be so unscrupulous, the rules followed by individuals, institutions and the entire system are involved and discussed. It raises two questions that transcend the sex scandal, what exactly is the spirit of gymnastics revered in the United States? And what kind of training methods do we...

  • Deon 2023-02-02 01:13:52

    The gymnastics system in the United States is not as happy as we think, and performance is still the ultimate goal. It can be said that every successful gymnastics team in the world is sacrificing the health and happiness of athletes in exchange for better results, which goes against the spirit of sports. In addition, the film is a bit off topic, and it is more appropriate to change the title to the shady story of the US gymnastics...

Athlete A

Director: Bonni Cohen, Jon Shenk

Language: English Release date: June 24, 2020

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