Army of One Comments

  • Roslyn 2023-05-13 07:03:00

    Your dream is simply unfulfillable, it was crazy and stupid from the beginning. But you didn't realize it in the end. Fortunately, when you found a home, she doesn't think you are stupid. Although she knows your dreams are crazy and stupid, she doesn't despise you-let alone pity you. She sees you like ordinary people, like normal people. Throw away your dreams and stay with...

  • Lexie 2023-05-13 03:49:39

    It's Uncle Nicolas Cage's film again. The film he's receiving now is either underfunded or weird. It's really going downhill. The film is adapted from a real life story. The absurd story of an old man with kidney disease who imagined that he was called by God to go to Pakistan to assassinate bin Laden can be called the contemporary American version of Don Quixote. Along the way, the chattering and rambling in the Muslim territory, hysterical delusions and nonsense, caused farce. Political...

  • Clinton 2023-05-04 15:14:36

    It's a comedy, look at the excitement, Nicolas Cage's performance is not...

  • Eryn 2023-05-02 20:54:21

    It's an incredible character, someone lives in this...

  • Noemy 2023-04-29 10:50:25

    When did Cage become so...

  • Ilene 2023-04-28 00:29:00

    The film is so fantastic and crazy, but the most fantastic and crazy tone of the real thing is...

  • Bobbie 2023-04-16 08:58:11

    Cage's new look... Talking about straight male cancer! ! ! And it's actually a real...

  • Noah 2023-04-08 06:12:22

    My Cage can't bear one...

  • Chet 2023-04-05 14:21:43

    The saint and the mentally ill are only separated by a thin...

  • Tressa 2023-03-26 13:25:38

    Army of One, starring Cage, an elderly American suffering from kidney disease, consciously called by God, brought a katana, and went alone to find bin Laden in the mountains of Pakistan. But don't laugh, such an absurd plot is actually adapted from real people. This film is a good choice for kill...

Extended Reading

Army of One quotes

  • God: Shit happens, Gary. Crying about it don't do any good. But this, Gary... this is your sword that I give onto thee, and as long as you behold it, you need never fear any man. You are special. I choose you to wield this sword, and as long as it's in your possession, you need never know fear again!

  • Gary Faulkner: Go Havidee, Go!

Army of One

Director: Larry Charles

Language: English Release date: November 17, 2016