Arlington Road Comments

  • Anthony 2022-12-19 06:04:26

    Tim Robbins is really good at playing the villain. . I like this ending....

  • Blake 2022-12-17 06:53:01

    I've watched a lot of movies with unexpected endings recently, and I'm a little bit indifferent about them. Let’s watch it interspersed in the future, let’s send a warm...

  • Maggie 2022-12-12 07:11:13

    Although there are many loopholes, it is still a good...

  • Elaina 2022-12-10 22:33:44

    The professor of cups, ironic ending. low key...

  • Toby 2022-12-06 10:53:36

    I rub it, the protagonist, the governor, is too tragic. . . . . ....

  • Katrine 2022-11-27 12:41:16

    It seems inadvertent, but it's actually very clever. Unfortunately, guessing the ending, there will always be a little...

  • Eldora 2022-11-25 12:15:32

    The process is very exciting, the visibility is also high, and the ending is unexpected. It seems that everything that should be done has been done, and it is a superb work. It's just that everything is too good, lack of bright spots, in addition to the tension and excitement, will forget the film itself, but just enjoy watching, watching without thinking, a crime movie that is more enjoyable than...

  • Maud 2022-11-21 06:38:20

    The scene is too protracted, the protagonist also feels like a lunatic, irrational at all, and finally the bomb was placed in the back of the rental car too...

  • Eliezer 2022-11-04 02:27:02

    The film in 1999 was really unsatisfactory. If this is an unexpected ending, then I can only recommend watching more real suspense films. "Everyone has the permission except...

  • Muriel 2022-10-31 15:56:00

    I don't know why I hate Jeff Bridges' voice so much, I'll never watch him...

Extended Reading

Arlington Road quotes

  • Michael Faraday: They asked you what you stand for. You tell them, you stand for blowing up families. For orphan sons. Your father really killed himself you son of a bitch? Or is that just where you got your start?

    [steps on Lang's neck]

    Michael Faraday: Call it off.

    Oliver Lang: It's for you, Michael. We're doing this for you. It's for all of us.

    Michael Faraday: It's not for me, call it off!

    Oliver Lang: Are you happy in your godless suburban life?

    Michael Faraday: Call off the bomb! Call off the fuckin' bomb!

    [Lang smashes the walkie talkie]

    Michael Faraday: No!

    Oliver Lang: They sent your wife to her death, Michael! Surely you won't be sorry to see them go?

    [Faraday runs off]

    Oliver Lang: Go on... run. You're too late!

  • [last lines]

    Oliver Lang: Where do we go from here?

    Cheryl Lang: Someplace nice.

    Oliver Lang: I hope so.

    Cheryl Lang: Someplace safe.

    Oliver Lang: Definitely.

Arlington Road

Director: Mark Pellington

Language: English Release date: July 9, 1999