Anvil Comments

  • Paris 2023-02-28 03:50:28

    When reality slaps you in the face, you should pay it back with a...

  • Ervin 2023-02-07 15:41:17

    real music lasts...

  • Krystel 2023-01-28 10:25:05

    I think it's better than looking for sugar man, and a lot better. The friendship between robb and lip is really enviable. If it weren't for such a friendship, I'm afraid Anvil wouldn't be able to last. Seeing the realistic dilemma encountered by idealized artists, dreams may have to pay some price, but they are worth it. Time does not make people old, it is reality that makes people old. ps, I am very envious of the neon music atmosphere, especially seeing some elderly people in the audience of...

  • Dylan 2023-01-02 14:21:00

    I love these...

  • Damaris 2022-12-29 05:29:16

    The most valuable thing about this film is that Anvil hasn't become famous for 30 years. In these long 30 years, Anvil has not become a full-time musician. Their soul members are still living in the daily life of supporting their families, but they have never forgotten their favorite music and continue to work hard to do their best. favorite things. Life is probably like this, if you can persevere, even if it looks chaotic, it will become more and more...

  • Hassie 2022-12-21 00:32:25

    Metal doesn't die! This is about dreams, about perseverance and about 30 years of friendship, how can people stop tears! Let me calm down...

  • Kacie 2022-12-14 11:49:42

    Zhong Weiqiang finally stepped onto the stage of Good Voice. come...

  • Augustus 2022-11-25 03:36:58

    This is the noun explanation of the metal spirit! ! ! Think of a certain band in China who only drink every day, buy a few samples from Taobao, and then go on stage and be shouted a few times, I really feel that Chinese rock is the most awesome, and there is a rock spirit in my mouth every day. It's a waste for me to take it...

  • Grayson 2022-11-17 13:06:05

    two beautiful old men. live the...

  • Madalyn 2022-11-12 12:18:01

    Before "Finding Sugar Man"? This is a typical documentary of a small film, a DV, a lot of material, an eye-opening process, an unexpected ending, eh. . It's really not as good as "Gallery" I still can't forgive the rough editing and the poor...

Extended Reading

Anvil quotes

  • Steve 'Lips' Kudlow: Everything on the tour went drastically wrong. But at least there was a tour for it to go wrong on.

  • Tiziana Arrigoni: It's H like Hotel. You understand? H like Hotel, A like... Ass, S like Sodom, S like Sodom...