Anesthesia Comments

  • Melissa 2023-04-10 21:02:57

    Multi-line narratives are...

  • Valentin 2023-04-04 20:55:26

    Talking so much philosophy, the plot can not keep...

  • Harvey 2023-03-29 23:32:37

    This movie is too literary and philosophical, and if you watch it lightly, it doesn't have much...

  • Roel 2023-03-27 08:24:21

    When watching the movie, I have the illusion that not listening to the actors speak is like a French movie. Multiple characters are strung together and finally intersected. This kind of routine is used a lot in American...

  • Sylvia 2023-03-03 22:33:28

    If a group drama is good, it is a classic. If it is not good, it is chaos. But it is this chaos that is closer to life. How can life be so complete and...

  • Vito 2023-03-03 03:38:29

    life is alive....

  • Alden 2023-03-01 12:46:45

    This is not a movie, it's just a fragment of human life on the fringe, the process is good, the ending...

  • Allison 2023-02-20 03:35:06

    A pot of philosophy chicken...

  • Haylee 2023-02-19 02:11:28

    Acting well, some lines are good,...

  • Braulio 2023-02-17 01:41:31

    Personally, I have no feelings for this kind of film with long lines! There are too many chicken soups on the Internet now! I really can't drink it...

Extended Reading
  • Yvonne 2022-09-04 23:55:44

    Wish you get what you desire.

    "Insensitive Love"

    ? We live on the same planet, yet seem to live in different worlds. Everyone has their own joys and sorrows to taste. The meaning of life can only be experienced by oneself.

    ? He and his full or painful life are waiting for the inevitable death, which makes their respective souls...

  • Kari 2022-09-04 17:19:41

    we are beautifully, finally, achingly, alone.

    The professor's last words, some of which can be used as his latest reflections.
    The previous interpersonal communication using the metaphor of "elephant" was responded by a female student showing traces of burning herself with a curling iron in order to obtain "focus". On the one hand, she hated...

Anesthesia quotes

  • Prof. Walter Zarrow: But then, what do all these thinkers we've examined this semester have in common? If we truly explore to find a common thread? At the outset of a century that would constitute the bloodiest in human history. Along with scientific and technological advancements that would literally make us like Gods. Even as we began to dismantle the very meaning of God. They ask, what is a life? Does to live any longer have a how? Does it any longer have a why? Against a backdrop of industrialization, people will contend with alienation, dislocation, population on a mass scale, and murder on a mass scale. They'll consider the constraints of truth. Whether metaphor or paradigm, with many concluding actual truth has never existed. A nexus in the great human saga, when we dared to trade the organizing bliss, of good and evil, right and wrong, as determined by a creator for other opiates: communism, socialism, capitalism, psychology, technology, any learnable system to replace what had begun to evaporate: the 20th century. My own. But also the one into which each of you was born. For many, an era of hope liberation, possibility. For others of abandonment and despair. A most human century in which we begin really to understand that Nietzsche was right: we are beautifully, finally, achingly, alone. In this void, philosophy at its worst becomes self-reflective, linguistic, semantic, relativism having rendered any discussion of right and wrong, good and evil, to be the quaint concerns of another age. At its most provocative, it asks other questions. Those concerned with locating our stranded selves, when meaning seems to have died, nothing less, in short, then 'why do we live at all?' and 'what makes us who we are?' They ask, 'what now?' And we're still asking it. What will fortify us as another century, your century, commences? Do we abandon finally the search for truths that seem ever more elusive, even silly to some? The ethical? The moral? The good? Principles that by definition can never be prove when so much now can be proved? Or is all this finally and forever pointless? Are we done? We can destroy cities, alter the planet irreversibly, speak instantaneously face-to-face from across the globe, create life where there was to be none, even while intoxicating ourselves with it all. And yet, how do we still seek purpose? And where do we hope to find it if we're so busy convincing ourselves there needn't be any? And so we wander, eyes closed to the dark, while technology, science, medicine and godlessness blaze illusions around us, with less to guide us now than ever, seemingly omnipotent, but more human and just as afraid. These quandaries do not end with this course in a week from today. They begin. And I certainly haven't taught these writers for 30 years just so you can drop references to existential thinkers and their antecedents at dinner parties. The crowd is untruth. In an era darkened by the false shade of imperviousness, you and those who pause to question, carry the light. It's been a wonderful 34 years. Let's not be strangers, either to one another, or more importantly, to everything we've learned from one another. May your best years be yet to come. And so for us all.

    [all applauding]

    Prof. Walter Zarrow: [all cheering] Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • Prof. Walter Zarrow: I used to believe in nothing; now I believe in everything.


Director: Tim Blake Nelson

Language: English Release date: January 8, 2016