And Now for Something Completely Different Comments

  • Sincere 2022-11-10 09:10:53

    Obviously they are all jokes in the play, the title is amusing...

  • Dolores 2022-11-02 08:34:30

    Monty Python's first big screen work is still in the stage of piecing together various sketches and animations, and has not formed a complete main story in a movie style, making the laughs seem a bit...

  • Mossie 2022-10-18 22:09:08

    It's so avant-garde that I can't understand it, but I just feel...

  • Victoria 2022-10-14 18:23:29

    Subversive, weird,...

  • Harmony 2022-10-11 23:06:34


  • Alexandrine 2022-10-11 22:38:30

    It's really not funny now. There are many giant Siamese tooth...

  • Cale 2022-10-11 21:57:26

    very clear very...

  • Lupe 2022-10-11 21:19:11

    Not bad, there are political metaphors, not very understanding of British humor. Kinda reminds me of the Mr Bean IP....

  • Granville 2022-10-11 18:50:22


Extended Reading

And Now for Something Completely Different quotes

  • Announcer: In 1945, peace broke out.

  • Interviewer: I didn't really call you "Eddie Baby", did I, sweetie?

    Sir Edward Ross: Don't call me "Sweetie"!

    Interviewer: Can I call you "Sugarplum"?

    Sir Edward Ross: No!

    Interviewer: Pussycat?

    Sir Edward Ross: No!

    Interviewer: Angel Drawers?

    Sir Edward Ross: No, you may not! Now get on with it.

    Interviewer: Can I call you Frank?

    Sir Edward Ross: Why Frank?

    Interviewer: Frank's a nice name. President Nixon's got a hedgehog called Frank.

    Sir Edward Ross: What is going on?

    Interviewer: Frank, Frankie, Fran, Frannie... little Frannie boo...