Fernando 2022-04-24 07:01:14
After reading it, it will be compared with the empty witnesses, but one tells the story, and the other challenges the law and humanity. There is no...
Kaitlin 2022-04-24 07:01:14
It doesn't pursue racial equality like a robin, it doesn't have a rich history like Nuremberg, and it doesn't turn an accident like a witness in the prosecution. Just like the title of the film is translated into "Analysis of a Murder Case", the highlight is the prosecution and defense. Lawyers on both sides were tit-for-tat about every detail. Stewart and Scott provoke the performance of the two main actors, and induce even frivolous questioning of witnesses. The essence lies in the debate...
Kamryn 2022-04-24 07:01:14
Wonderful court scene, the jazz throughout the film is very colorful. The screenwriter slyly skipped the main point of the courtroom scene-the closing statement, which made the final ending a little discouraged. Four and a half...
Watson 2022-04-23 07:02:33
Don't try to lie, don't try to hide anything, or you'll be eaten alive by...
Toney 2022-04-23 07:02:33
The script is rigorous and well-documented, the plot is well-organized, and the actors' performances are precise. I have seen a lot of American dramas that rely on high-tech to solve crimes. It is a luxury to sit down and watch this movie in two and a half hours. The advancement of film technology is fortunate or unfortunate for art. But the advancement of film technology has made people less concerned about the film itself as always a...
Ryder 2022-04-23 07:02:33
After days of Rashomon-style court battles, the truth is murkier in this "analysis of a homicide." In fact, as the old lawyer said, it is a miracle that the twelve jurors in the court came to a unanimous conclusion, so why not use the tricks in "The Runaway Jury". ....
Marian 2022-04-23 07:02:33
Wonderful and humorous court debate, but unfortunately I didn't get the commission fee in the...
Lois 2022-04-23 07:02:33
Wonderful court defense, but even I can't stand the "arrogant" performance of the lawyers of the two parties, which is difficult for the judge. The story also does not say whether the accused is innocent at the end of the story, the intention is to express that sometimes it is difficult to obtain the truth, and it is relatively easy to distort the...
Reyes 2022-04-23 07:02:33
Saying to fellow men "A woman who is open doesn't mean she is really open! Because she is just a flower that likes to be surrounded by bees!" If you take openness seriously you will be tragic! In addition, I like James' voice so much. It attracts me so much. Li Lemick is really...
Leonard 2022-04-23 07:02:33
Found that Lee Remick looks like Jennifer Jason...
Anatomy of a Murder Comments
Paul Biegler: Mr. Paquette, what would you call a man with an insatiable penchant for women?
Alphonse Paquette: A what?
Paul Biegler: A penchant... a desire... taste... passion?
Alphonse Paquette: Well, uh, ladies' man, I guess. Or maybe just a damn fool!
[laughter in the courtroom]
Judge Weaver: Just answer the questions, Mr. Paquette. The attorneys will provide the wisecracks.
Parnell Emmett McCarthy: [eyeing an empty liquor bottle] You fought this soldier by yourself. You've been drinking alone, Paulie. I don't like that.
Paul Biegler: Drop the stone, Counsellor. You live in a glass house.
Parnell Emmett McCarthy: My windows have been busted a long time ago, so I can say what I please.