An Angel at My Table Comments

  • Marlene 2022-12-30 19:41:34

    8.3/10. The biopic of the famous writer Janet Fram, mainly through telling the three life stages of her shy, sensitive and vulnerable (born in a poor childhood, as a teenager in a mental hospital, after escaping from the mental hospital, she stubbornly insisted on passing adulthood, writing and writing poetry to express herself) to outline her ups and downs. The film has a high level of photography art with sadness/delicacy/poetic beauty, but as a traditional feature film, the narrative is...

  • Madelyn 2022-12-19 10:44:00

    The growth history of young women in literature and...

  • Wilford 2022-11-17 17:46:45

    Jane Campion's second feature film, the picture is still excellent, but it is still more personal and literary. The film tells the growth process of a female writer, fragile and sensitive heart, a lot of inner monologue, very quiet movie, three actresses play the heroine of three periods respectively, the interpretation is in place, I feel that there are some problems in editing, which leads to the rhythm of the film. "Jump", the end of the rocker...

  • Russell 2022-11-05 13:21:02

    Nice shot. The corresponding autobiography has Taiwanese translations of "Angel of the Island Country", "Angel of the Desk" and "Angel of Mirror Magic". From the excerpts, the writing is really poetic, it is better to read the book...

  • Chadrick 2022-11-02 19:50:01

    It seems to be lonely forever. Being misdiagnosed as schizophrenia and being locked up for eight years and almost having her white matter removed was terrible. Fortunately, her novel won an award and saved her life. What love does to some people is "I finally know the taste of noodles, but fate only allows me to eat rice". Always remember to keep the typewriter snapping. Check the wiki, her mother worked as a maid for the Katherine...

  • Eleanora 2022-10-23 18:07:22

    Poverty, sickness, bereavement, no friends, not beautiful, unloved, lonely, in addition to writing talent, is a living being insulted and damaged. After working in a mental hospital for 8 years, I almost had to do a lobotomy (lobotomy). Fortunately, the article before the operation won the prize. When I was a child, I was too cute, with a big puffy head like orange-flavored marshmallows. I thought it was a school inspirational film, but I didn't expect it to be so heavy... a bit weird English...

  • Aliza 2022-10-14 02:10:52

    Sensitive and beautiful souls are often too lonely, and words are the outlet for the blossoming of the...

  • Guadalupe 2022-09-14 04:31:47

    Film adaptation of New Zealand's most famous author Janet Frame's autobiography An angel at my table. Her story is extraordinary, the film is great, especially the first part of childhood, Campion put the camera so low, many of the framing is very beautiful, and no one else has. The second and third parts of the growth experience are relatively bland. After watching the movie, I want to see the works of this legendary female...

  • Duane 2022-07-11 23:07:46

    Watching two good movies a day is a bit too extravagant in luck. . This one can't be said to be particularly good-looking or particularly resonant, but it was very smooth for 158 minutes, and every girl was beautiful. . I like that she foolishly flirts with a scumbag naked in the water, with a particularly beautiful body....

  • Fernando 2022-07-11 22:44:26

    What impresses me is not the growth process in the dark, nor the awakening of female self-consciousness, but the depiction of how a "shy" person gets along with the world and retains the inherent "shy" from beginning to end. picture. Thank you to those who have directors who can shoot...