Amy Comments

  • Joaquin 2022-09-28 09:34:01

    The two years when Amy and Lady Gaga were the most popular was the most interesting time in the European and American pop music scene in the past 10 years. They were both fashion creators and strange pioneers. Unfortunately, there are only Dummy and moldy, too...

  • Lavonne 2022-09-14 05:12:24

    Amy's singing in the film made me applaud frequently, but I didn't dare to shoot it louder, because I was afraid that the applause would be too loud to hear her singing. We are all born with the same talent, and what talent brings us may be destruction. How I wish I had the same charming voice as her, how handsome and dashing it should be on the stage, but her talent brought her success, money, and the destruction and irreversible tragedy brought by fame and...

  • Antonina 2022-09-10 06:51:44

    I seldom watch documentaries, I just pick the topics I am interested in, and I don't know how to evaluate the quality of the documentaries themselves, but this is the best documentary I've ever...

  • Esmeralda 2022-09-02 17:55:46

    A complete and thought-provoking documentary without controversy. "If I don't have the talent to sing, as long as I can walk down that street, carefree, I'll be willing..." Is it a matter of...

  • Enrico 2022-09-02 08:38:40

    Hey, it feels like a sting in my...

  • Ivory 2022-05-26 20:57:38

    Stunning talents need to be equipped with an extraordinary mind, or they will be swallowed by the evil around...

  • Torey 2022-05-26 19:16:29

    This documentary can completely ignore the technical aspects of the discussion. A true film about Amy, those random clips that were shot at that time, reveal the restlessness under the threat of fame and wealth. Amy and Saint Laurent are so similar. They are well-known in the industry when they are young, and their talents bring more than fame and wealth and life under the light of exposure. It's not that she is incapable of facing it, but that she has become famous when she should learn how to...

  • Clotilde 2022-05-26 18:42:47

    It's not just showing off talent, but also showing how Amy was dragged into a desperate situation by drugs, fame, family, music industry and the mass media, so that the audience can watch how a jazz singer is gradually ruined under the spotlight, which is too damaging. People are...

  • Milan 2022-05-26 17:48:07

    The material organization is so good. Amy’s innocence in the face of music, fame, love, friendship, family love, drugs, and other issues has been dug out by the director, and the fragility that comes with it, it’s still hard to tell who is at fault. Her boyfriend's father, drugs, flash, alcohol, indulgence, indulge in fragility, to some extent, even her voice and natural talent were the culprits that...

  • Delphine 2022-05-26 17:11:45

    No good man appeared in her life, neither her father nor her boyfriend failed...

Extended Reading

Amy quotes

  • Tony Bennett: If she had lived, I would have said:. slow down; you're too important... Life teaches you, really how to live it... if you could live long enough...

  • Amy Winehouse: Jules, this is so boring without drugs.