Amour Comments

  • Uriah 2021-12-18 08:01:03

    Life and death are like the dove, which can't be grasped or kept, only the love that grows old together is eternal. Minimalist restraint, deep inner strength, many images, details winning, desperation and depression, and there are also delicate touches that are difficult to repeat. The performance of the two old actors is too...

  • Toy 2021-12-18 08:01:03

    I shed tears without knowing it, that parting story is really unbearable by anyone. Finally, there was a magical ending, closing the door and leaving as usual, the difference was that no one was waiting for anyone to return. The two old people did not discuss the future, life and death, but each of their actions was concerned with each other. Such a story, how should people believe in love but pity on its perishability! Worthy of Palme d’Or’s annual masterpiece! The two actors are so...

  • Albert 2021-12-18 08:01:03

    Excellent work. Most of the themes of the movie are basically focused on Greek mythology and Homer’s epic. This time it is also going home (Odyssey). The question is where is home? The old man made a realistic home into a coffin, because his wife was afraid of the hospital; then one day it seemed that she could finish washing the bowl and go for a walk, and then went out. This is actually a romantic ending. Suffocating a pigeon and suffocating a partner is the same thing, and this kind of love...

  • Danielle 2021-12-18 08:01:03

    Haneke was not sensational, and calmly described the emotions between the two old people. All the dialogues were very reasonable and the emotions were real. Coupled with the heart-wrenching ending, the performance of the actor and the queen made me cry on the spot. , Can't control it at...

  • Dylan 2021-12-18 08:01:03

    During the press conference, a reporter asked why this apartment started to be minimalist. Haneke replied calmly: because everything else has nothing to do with the subject. Looking back at the ages of these three actors, 85, 82, 59, the director Harbin has spoken again, as long as the actors and scripts are good, there will be a play. If this movie goes to domestic theaters, you must go to see the original subtitled version. All three of them are people who can perform with sound. The sound...

  • Lawrence 2021-12-18 08:01:03

    Geroge was sitting on the sofa with the CD, and in the fantasy, Anne gently played the piano music in front of the window, calm and sad. Since then tears have burst, and love is so great that it is silent but touching. The two old people performed real and shocking, the best movie of the...

  • Loyce 2021-12-18 08:01:03

    Each shot reveals a cold temperament, but at the same time it is full of human softness and affection. This gentle cruelty, cruel gentleness shocked my heart! Worthy of Palme...

  • Sammy 2021-12-18 08:01:03

    Brother believes in love again, Haneke Hou Xiaoxian, Ozu. But there is also his iconic clip in the middle, specifically to scare those who pretend to be gentle and sleepy...

  • Courtney 2021-12-18 08:01:03

    In an indoor environment, Hanek has photographed an endless world: actors, schedulers, voices, must compare the details. I had dinner with a friend of his lighting engineer in the evening. Speaking of the film's long lens, I have retaken dozens of times, all kinds of still, pushing the track, and following the film. It is as steep and exciting as a mountain, and there is no room for mistakes. The scene where the two were at the dinner table, that color! The beauty of light...

  • Demario 2021-12-18 08:01:03

    The happiest thing to love a person is to accompany him until he grows old. However, the last thing we want our lover to see is the tragic situation when we are old or even dying. The paradox...

Extended Reading

Amour quotes

  • Anne: What would you say if no one came to your funeral?

    Georges: Nothing, presumably.

  • Georges: [telling a childhood memory] ... some banal romance or other about a nobleman and a lower middle-class girl who couldn't have each other and who then, out of sheer magnanimity, decide to renounce their love - in fact, I don't quite remember it any more. In any case, afterwards I was thoroughly distraught, and it took me a bit of time to calm down. In the courtyard of the house where grandma lived, there was a young guy at the window who asked me where I'd been. He was a couple of years older than me, a braggart who really impressed me. "To the movies," I said, because I was proud that my grandma had given me the money to go all alone to the cinema. "What did you see?" I started to tell him the story of the movie, and as I did, all the emotion came back. I didn't want to cry in front of the boy, but it was impossible; there I was, crying out loud in the courtyard, and I told him the whole drama to the bitter end.

    Anne: So? How did he react?

    Georges: No idea. He probably found it amusing. I don't remember. I don't remember the film either. But I remember the feeling. That I was ashamed of crying, but that telling him the story made all my feelings and tears come back, almost more powerfully than when I was actually watching the film, and that I just couldn't stop.


Director: Michael Haneke

Language: French,English Release date: September 20, 2012

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