Amour Comments

  • Lavonne 2022-03-30 09:01:04

    What a calm story, what a real emotion, so that tears still flowed out of my eyes after reading it. The minimalist lens and single scene focus on an old couple who have been together for many years. Every dialogue is naturally vivid and unpretentious. It seems that we are also living with them in their living room. The top performance cannot be ignored. Emotions are...

  • Annie 2022-03-30 09:01:04

    How could I, who like Yamada Yoji's kindness, like this ruthless...

  • Alta 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    Emotions are restrained, and the conflict between love and aging and death is simple and...

  • Lydia 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    Damn, I'm about to collapse after watching it for two...

  • Elton 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    Those who love to die or live, do you know what life and death are? I understand this movie, but I just don't like it, it's too...

  • Rebeka 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    Top-level photography and performances, unmarked scheduling, dramatic events cut to the past, minimalist beauty. Water music, flowers and pigeons, gentle imagery, flashback opening. But forgive me, I really have no sympathy for this kind of madhouse-style relief and a highly developed social system. Not long ago, two elderly people left me after a similar ordeal. How can I contain the pain? Even if a little bit of an ignorant individual from a suffering nation is not the taste. 12...

  • Eddie 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    Let you live is love, I don't want to let you go; let you die is also love, I don't want to see you suffer. In fact, it is painful and cruel no matter...

  • Creola 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    Those things of the waning years... You can't bear it, but you can't resist it any longer. When we were young we valued love as great, and gave it no glory and highest value, but now it is too lowly and weak to help you, and it cannot save me. I once thought that only love can comfort the soul, the lightness that love can bestow, the humiliation that can be dissolved, the nobility that can be achieved, the dignity that is preserved because of love... At the end of the long road, but everything...

  • Benedict 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    Four and a half stars. Step into the labyrinth of the mind and watch a declaration of love and death. Simple dialogues, trivial details, long shots, and long lives slowly penetrate into my...

  • Elbert 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    It is not only the young man in Chinese clothes and the angry horse, but also not only "love the painful wrinkles on your aging face" or "I love your devastated face more", like the superimposed effect of empty mirrors, love, death, Life exists objectively, either we endure it silently or destroy it with our own hands. After nearly two hours of warm foreshadowing, the sudden cruelty and magic, the absurdity and helplessness of life; the long mirror and arrangement of the narrow space, the...

Extended Reading

Amour quotes

  • Anne: What would you say if no one came to your funeral?

    Georges: Nothing, presumably.

  • Georges: [telling a childhood memory] ... some banal romance or other about a nobleman and a lower middle-class girl who couldn't have each other and who then, out of sheer magnanimity, decide to renounce their love - in fact, I don't quite remember it any more. In any case, afterwards I was thoroughly distraught, and it took me a bit of time to calm down. In the courtyard of the house where grandma lived, there was a young guy at the window who asked me where I'd been. He was a couple of years older than me, a braggart who really impressed me. "To the movies," I said, because I was proud that my grandma had given me the money to go all alone to the cinema. "What did you see?" I started to tell him the story of the movie, and as I did, all the emotion came back. I didn't want to cry in front of the boy, but it was impossible; there I was, crying out loud in the courtyard, and I told him the whole drama to the bitter end.

    Anne: So? How did he react?

    Georges: No idea. He probably found it amusing. I don't remember. I don't remember the film either. But I remember the feeling. That I was ashamed of crying, but that telling him the story made all my feelings and tears come back, almost more powerfully than when I was actually watching the film, and that I just couldn't stop.


Director: Michael Haneke

Language: French,English Release date: September 20, 2012

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