Amour Comments

  • Vinnie 2022-03-31 09:01:03

    The last film nominated by Oscar BP this year, I didn’t understand many parts, and I didn’t understand the ending of the pigeon. It seems that the rank is not high enough, and the life experience is not enough. Maybe I will forget all the dialogues and scenes in it after a long time, but I I will never forget the scene where the male protagonist listens to the music and fantasizes about his wife playing the piano, and the despair that runs through the whole film. The greatest sorrow of a person...

  • Dannie 2022-03-31 09:01:03

    Hope Haneke is half paralyzed in old age, suffocated with love by his...

  • Madalyn 2022-03-30 09:01:04

    All masters! The plot is simple, but no one can make such a reasonable shock. Everything is unpainted, but it reveals the original form of the film language, but the emotional expression has not been lost at all. It's love, it's life, it's our human normality, and it's all slowly flowing until it explodes. The performance of the two old people is really without trace but very moving. The most primitive power of a movie must come from...

  • Koby 2022-03-30 09:01:04

    It's not the old lady who has Alzheimer's, it's...

  • Aisha 2022-03-30 09:01:04

    try to not hold try to let go... ps I'm fed up with this kind of thing that was shot just because it was shot, false and empty, the subject matter is also very superficial, and the shot has nothing to recommend it, and the objectivity is not strong in elaboration. Not as good as Papa's death doctor. Looking at the so-called warmth, it is better to go home and take good care of the old people~ It is better to go to the hospital to see a pair of elderly people who help each other hand in hand to...

  • Talia 2022-03-30 09:01:04

    In this movie with no exterior scenes and the camera always stubbornly going back and forth indoors, the intrusion of pigeons from the patio brought the most incredible scene. The old man picked up the blanket and walked over. When people thought that he would treat the foreign guest like he would kill his wife with a pillow, he lowered his head and caressed gently. The pigeon is transformed into a wife, as if he released it at the end, as if the wife "resurrected" and walked out through the...

  • Gracie 2022-03-30 09:01:04

    Live like this for thirty years until the building...

  • Branson 2022-03-30 09:01:04

    Haneke was crowned the Double Palme d'Or. 1. Facing aging, disease and death, about love and dignity, cruel to the point of tears; 2. The narrative is minimalist, cold and restrained, fixed-camera long shots, and shocking performances in closed spaces; 3. Except for a few episodes There is no soundtrack outside of the piano music, compassion in silence; 4. Oil painting empty mirror and childhood memories; 5. Playing the piano and struggling to catch pigeons in fantasy, the impact is extremely...

  • Lexus 2022-03-30 09:01:04

    Flowers are born to the sun, but people can't live to be born. The love in the fighting room is desperate and fierce, this is the last dignity I give you. My grandmother passed away last year. After an overloaded operation, she lost weight rapidly in the last two years. Her face was haggard and her eyes were dull. She whimpered and cried in pain. So I can understand that the old man threw himself on the pillow, which is another way of intimate love, and other people have no right to...

  • Jamarcus 2022-03-30 09:01:04

    Under the cold lens is the hottest emotion. That slap completely crushed me, the most shocking shot of the year. No more commenting on the technical details. "I don't even remember the movie, but I remember the emotion. I thought it was a shame to cry, but when it came to my emotion, the tears came back, even stronger than when I watched the movie. "One day, I will also forget the plot of the movie, but that feeling will stay with me for the rest of my...

Extended Reading

Amour quotes

  • Anne: What would you say if no one came to your funeral?

    Georges: Nothing, presumably.

  • Georges: [telling a childhood memory] ... some banal romance or other about a nobleman and a lower middle-class girl who couldn't have each other and who then, out of sheer magnanimity, decide to renounce their love - in fact, I don't quite remember it any more. In any case, afterwards I was thoroughly distraught, and it took me a bit of time to calm down. In the courtyard of the house where grandma lived, there was a young guy at the window who asked me where I'd been. He was a couple of years older than me, a braggart who really impressed me. "To the movies," I said, because I was proud that my grandma had given me the money to go all alone to the cinema. "What did you see?" I started to tell him the story of the movie, and as I did, all the emotion came back. I didn't want to cry in front of the boy, but it was impossible; there I was, crying out loud in the courtyard, and I told him the whole drama to the bitter end.

    Anne: So? How did he react?

    Georges: No idea. He probably found it amusing. I don't remember. I don't remember the film either. But I remember the feeling. That I was ashamed of crying, but that telling him the story made all my feelings and tears come back, almost more powerfully than when I was actually watching the film, and that I just couldn't stop.


Director: Michael Haneke

Language: French,English Release date: September 20, 2012

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