Bianka 2022-03-20 09:02:31
The first 90% of the homework + 10% of the ending is amazing, making this ordinary romance movie. "In my mind, I woven a story about you, and I added a happy ending to it. I sat in the room with you on my knees, and you sat silently next to me. That is the end. It is another kind. Life, only you and me... We should be like that, our story is somewhere, and it will always be with me, because only in this way can I...
Arne 2022-03-20 09:02:31
As if seeing...
Lue 2022-03-19 09:01:07
Some loneliness is born with it, and no one can dispel...
Jada 2022-03-19 09:01:07
If you ever loved someone very much, you separated while you were still in love. You will cry when you watch this...
Harrison 2022-03-19 09:01:07
Six stars. Reminds me of Dong Ai. Big...
Hal 2022-03-19 09:01:07
Even though he has thousands of projections in your heart, he really makes you meet a bad person. The foundation of all literary excuses for success is a beautiful body, an empty heart, and the...
Eliza 2022-03-19 09:01:07
You are surrounded by ice and snow, and you are about to freeze to death. Long sleep feels good, but you will die without knowing it. And why don’t you choose another way to avoid this cold? For example, a padded jacket or a hug? This film It's great. There are many kinds of good points, this one is to win from the heart, and it can't be described as...
Meaghan 2022-03-18 09:01:06
The ending is a model of a...
Eleanora 2022-03-18 09:01:06
Damn, I cried so...
Dorothy 2022-03-17 09:01:07
You can’t delve into its logic, they embraced, I...
Alone Comments
Ada: You have a face with a story.
Alper: How do you mean?.
Ada: You almost have no forehead. It's like your hair couldn't wait and grow in a big rush... So you always seem to be running... Your eyes are completely the opposite. They tell you to stop for a bit... To walk one step at a time... And they really look a lot... I mean, how can I put it?. They look really deeply. And you know that. Which is why you can't look at anyone for a long time. Your beard, it's like honey... And it's kind of in-between the two. It's like, Hey, don't be so serious. We're having a good time here. Plus you have such a mature and well-structured face... it's like you were never a child. You were never a child, so you've always stayed a child...
Alper: What's the story called?
Ada: I don't know. Something blue or green... Blue Frenzy...
Alper: Drop the frenzy. Just stick to the blue.
Alper: I know people from the way they eat. You, for example, are a one-by-one kind of person. You like living life slowly, serenely and without hurrying.