Alien Autopsy Comments

  • Casper 2023-09-23 18:39:59

    I remember that Hong Kong TV also broadcasted this fake alien video. I still believed it and thought that I would go to school and work with aliens in the future~ I was...

  • Iva 2023-09-01 07:52:32

    The effect of false and positive is very cola. The plus point is that this is a real case that fooled most of the people on earth. It can be seen how lonely the people on earth...

  • Houston 2023-08-29 23:07:26

    It's a crazy story. There are still pros and cons about people's personalities. Sure enough, you all think that a certain type of person is more likely to succeed,...

  • Shakira 2023-07-29 16:50:25

    I don't think it's very good in a lot of British dark humor...

  • Zita 2023-07-14 12:52:35

    This movie really hits the spot of the embarrassing situation of all kinds of evidence in all the UFO aliens witnessing hijacking incidents. Except for those that are obviously fake, the others cannot be falsified or...

  • Alan 2023-06-28 14:01:08

    Star the super cute Dec and glasses Ant...

  • Eula 2023-06-22 02:25:56

    Quite interesting. Known for its pseudo-anatomical alien imagery, the movie gives it an interesting...

  • Curtis 2023-06-12 10:56:27

    Declan looks so cute, and the episodes in it are...

  • Stephania 2023-03-04 09:34:51

    Go to the baby's house, the baby's movie on demand. . . Some places are quite disgusting, I just don't understand how Liu Chang can keep laughing when he sees it, I can't find the point of laughter for a long time. ....

  • Deja 2022-12-22 02:33:03

    A bunch of uncles who sell vegetables and groceries in the kitchen fiddle with alien movies is really cool, so handsome, I want to make a movie myself, haha, the best part is the ending, suddenly Such an obvious big deception has become the same as the real thing. How subtle is the difference in our cognition between the true and false of...

Extended Reading

Alien Autopsy quotes

  • Tradings Officer: Are you saying this is a genuine Toy Story video?

    Ray Santilli: Oh aye, yeah, I've got friends in Hollywood. They look after me.

    Tradings Officer: *You've* got friends in Hollywood?

    Ray Santilli: Yeah.

    [crosses fingers]

    Ray Santilli: Me and Mr. Potato Head; we're like that... that's me on top there...

  • Gary Shoefield: The whole world are gonna know we're liars!

    Ray Santilli: Yer, rich liars though!