After Lucia Comments

  • Damian 2022-01-27 08:19:42

    Self-esteem or innocence is more important. Everyone may have different opinions. Luica chose the obviously bad way of tolerance. I insist on a fixed long lens, and a fixed long lens throughout the article, one shot at a time. The campus bullying that deliberately avoids subjective perspectives does not show more scenes of being bullied to some extent, but its shocking power has doubled. Calm restraint without criticism is...

  • Wilfrid 2022-01-27 08:19:42

    The gray-blue sky, the sea, the yacht, the rumbling engine, and a calm revenge for the...

  • Jesse 2022-01-27 08:19:42

    Three and a half. There are many unmanageable feelings, the pain of losing loved ones, the helplessness of collective bullying, and the indifference of society. They are all staged in absurd ways. The story of "The Scarlet Letter" takes place in any era. The lens is objective, calm, and sometimes beautiful, but this beauty is not helpful in pain. This ending is undoubtedly an...

After Lucia

Director: Michel Franco

Language: Spanish Release date: October 3, 2012