Adaptation. Comments

  • Sylvester 2022-03-22 09:01:25

    2009-12-11 21:14:11 8/7.9(61964) It's really fun, and I don't think it's a trick at all. It is estimated that there are many people who are still helping to count the money after being sold.

  • Tremayne 2022-03-22 09:01:25

    The two personalities of the screenwriter work together, and the first half of Brother Cage is too melancholy because of the adaptation of the script, with a lot of narration and confession, like a humorous version of New York's allegory. The movie plot (or "script") after Cagedi joined was so fun, it suddenly turned into a nonsense and touching jungle adventure crime movie, "I actually got shot, this is too ridiculous!" Then he was hit by a car immediately, and before he died, he also helped...

  • Delmer 2022-03-21 09:01:28

    Don't know whether to call it a good or a bad movie. Meta-narrative mixes the process of adapting the script, the original novel and the fabricated plot, and since he shows his incompetence and helplessness to the audience, the final compromise seems understandable and a good one. , or a satire on the way Hollywood works. Everything seems real. At least it's...

  • Dylan 2022-03-21 09:01:28

    The first half was almost five-star, and the result ushered in such a Hollywood ending. . . . Or too much Oscar and I think too...

  • Mae 2022-03-21 09:01:28

    The first half is still not much, and the second half is a bit nondescript! You have to love what you love, it's none of your business, I decided to do it a long time...

  • Edyth 2022-03-21 09:01:28

    The angle is very good, the plot at the end is sloppy and bloody, and I feel that the psychological foreshadowing of the previous protagonist has become worthless in an...

  • Constantin 2021-10-22 14:41:52

    I’ve never liked this movie. I have no rules and I don’t know how to get the...

  • Jake 2021-10-22 14:41:51

    Laroche: Point is, what's so wonderful is that every one of these flowers has a specific relationship with the insect that pollinates it. There's a certain orchid look...

  • Rasheed 2021-10-22 14:41:51

    The script is super good, there is a story in the story, there is reality in...

  • Danielle 2021-10-22 14:41:51

    Fantasy and troubles of playwrights, Kaufman's edition [eight and a half]. 1. A meta-film from the perspective of a screenwriter, art film and commercial entertainment, real life and fictional fantasy, failure and success are juxtaposed and deconstructed, which evokes reverie while blurring boundaries. 2. The process of Charlie Kaufman's adaptation of the screenplay and Susan's experience in writing novels were cross-edited, and Charlie's sexual fantasies were inserted occasionally. 3....

Extended Reading

Adaptation. quotes

  • Marty: I'd fuck her up the ass!

  • John Laroche: [viewing an orchid at a flower show] Angraecum sesquipedale! A beauty! God! Darwin wrote about this one. Charles Darwin? Evolution guy? Hello? You see that nectary all the way down there? Darwin hypothesized a moth with a nose twelve inches long to pollinate it. Everyone thought he was a loon! Then, sure enough, they found this moth with a twelve-inch proboscis. Proboscis means "nose," by the way.

    Susan Orlean: I know what "proboscis" means.

    John Laroche: Yeah, let's not get off the subject. This isn't a pissing contest!