Accused Comments

  • Tamara 2022-04-24 07:01:24

    The Defendant Nurse. The film does not put more brushstrokes on the previous similar themes of institutional corruption, fierce court trials and other more dramatic conflicts, but focuses on the incident itself, which leads to the lack of strength in the overall atmosphere creation and the character's character. Most of them are too monotonous, the ups and downs are too peaceful, and the lack of depth creates a sense of isolation and greatly reduces...

  • Christine 2022-04-23 07:04:58

    Preconceived biases and wrongful convictions caused by government agencies themselves. But the film focuses on the 9-year appeal, and exposing the ugly can only be the last grace. Emotions are restrained. The heroine's emotional expression is too private, and the crying and despair behind it can only be seen by the audience. The joy of happiness when you have the first grasp. The cry of holding a baby in prison is too ironic and pitiful. The mirror image of Lucia and Judith looking at each...

  • Hiram 2022-04-23 07:04:58

    Expectations are a bit high, a bit...

  • Bobby 2022-04-23 07:04:58

    People are all the same. Just want to see what you want to see. I like this way of filming without point of view and without...

  • Myrna 2022-04-23 07:04:58

    The soundtrack (Adam Norden) and the rhythm handling in the first half are perfect. The film builds up a strong illusion and shatters it step by step, whether the audience has ever thought about what made us fall into this puzzle when recognizing the characters. In my opinion, the message output of the film itself already shows the kind of horror we are in an emotional...

  • Soledad 2022-04-23 07:04:58

    It's good to use interrogation to stimulate flashbacks to explain the history, but the king of comedy has long used it. The ending is not very comfortable, do you still have confidence in the judicial system? Where did the pretty girl go? (that's the...

  • Daron 2022-04-23 07:04:58, Angel of Death, I saw a similar incident in the news not long ago, the audience's first feeling was disgust and hatred, when the public media reported it, the people had sentenced her Guilty, not to mention judicial corruption and self-interest above all. Democracy is not absolute. If someone emerges from the filthy power quagmire and remains undisturbed, the truth may eventually be revealed. However, it may only be a matter of...

  • Merl 2022-04-23 07:04:58

    It's a good story, but the director didn't deal with it enough, and the main film technique and style were too ordinary. The adapted news events are very powerful, but the finished film lacks the...

  • Adelbert 2022-04-23 07:04:58

    The film itself is relatively bland and lacks an attack on the judicial system, but the sober perspective makes the film...

  • Braulio 2022-04-23 07:04:58

    7/10. This year's Dutch Olympic bid film is based on real events. The director has a lot of control over the narrative, and seems to be relaxed and relaxed, more like the feeling of David Fincher and Bennett Miller, so it really doesn't look like a European film. The movie. It is more like this relatively rare style of assembly line product. The bureaucratic corruption in the medical system and the emotional changes of the protagonist and the depth are slightly weaker. It belongs to the...


Director: Paula van der Oest

Language: Dutch Release date: April 3, 2014

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