Accused Comments

  • Jabari 2023-09-30 11:01:47

    Such a profound subject should have been shot more powerfully, but except for a few places that are still acceptable, it has become lukewarm, and it is well deserved that it did not make it into the final top 5 of the Oscar for best foreign language...

  • Deshaun 2023-09-04 10:29:30

    It is estimated that this kind of subject matter is not rare even for Koreans themselves, unjust cases, judicial loopholes, and system drawbacks. . . This film has deliberately sharpened its sharp points, but the overall is more concise, and the emotional impact it brings is just...

  • Janelle 2023-08-29 17:15:51

    Calmly and restrainedly, it restores an unjust case under bureaucratic corruption, without exaggerating and sensationalizing. The emotion hits the bottom of my heart but stops abruptly. The height and depth of the film are limited to...

  • Francis 2023-08-03 14:32:02

    The style is very concise and lively. It's a pity that I couldn't explore it in more depth, but it's quite preconceived about my appetite, which makes most people turn a blind eye to the loopholes. Have enough persistence for yourself and the...

  • Stevie 2023-07-26 22:45:16

    It turned out that this incident had such an ending. Every system has its shortcomings, and what matters is its rigour and fairness. When justice cannot be done, and the judicial system cannot advocate it, there is only an individual's unremitting pursuit of...

  • Kristina 2023-06-11 08:00:45

    Deeply exposed the darkness of...

  • Kira 2023-05-09 21:13:07

    Good subject matter, can develop into a good work. But telling such a real story, this film is too short, the story is told, but it is very smooth, and nothing is said in depth. It is really unknown whether it is a screenwriter problem or a requirement of the...

  • Ansley 2023-03-27 20:55:35

    The best foreign language film for this film is obviously...

  • Fernando 2023-03-21 09:02:39

    The subject matter is really good, but there is no magic in the shooting....

  • Remington 2023-03-11 15:21:10

    The incident is quite shocking. The protagonist is more fortunate than those unjust cases in China. In addition, the Dutch people are obviously inferior to the stick when they make court...